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Commotion vs. Excitement — What's the Difference?

By Tayyaba Rehman — Published on January 15, 2024
Commotion is a state of noisy disturbance and confusion, while Excitement refers to a feeling of great enthusiasm and eagerness.
Commotion vs. Excitement — What's the Difference?

Difference Between Commotion and Excitement


Key Differences

Commotion typically implies a noisy, disruptive disturbance often caused by a group of people. Excitement, however, is a positive feeling of heightened interest or enthusiasm, usually in anticipation of something.
A commotion can be caused by turmoil or agitation, creating a sense of disorder. In contrast, excitement is often associated with joy or pleasure and does not necessarily involve chaos or confusion.
Commotion often has a negative connotation, implying a lack of control or order. Excitement, on the other hand, is generally seen as a positive emotion, characterized by high energy and eagerness.
In a commotion, the emphasis is on the external manifestation of disorder and noise. With excitement, the focus is on the internal emotional state of being thrilled or animated.
Commotion can happen unexpectedly and be unwanted, often causing disruption. Excitement is usually a desirable feeling, stemming from positive anticipation or interest.

Comparison Chart


Noisy disturbance and confusion
Enthusiasm and eagerness


Often negative, implying disorder
Generally positive, associated with joy


Turmoil, agitation, disruption
Anticipation, interest, pleasure


External noise and disorder
Internal emotional state


Often unwanted and disruptive
Usually desirable and enjoyable

Compare with Definitions


A state of noisy confusion or disorder.
The commotion in the cafeteria was caused by a spilled tray.


A state of heightened emotional arousal.
His excitement was evident as he opened the gift.


Disturbance or tumult caused by a crowd.
A sudden commotion erupted in the street during the parade.


Feeling of great enthusiasm and eagerness.
The excitement before the game was palpable.


A sudden, noisy, and confused activity.
Hearing a loud commotion, she rushed outside to see what happened.


Arousing a feeling of lively interest.
There was a buzz of excitement in the crowd as the celebrity arrived.


Agitated, often noisy, disturbance or upheaval.
The commotion in the office was due to the unexpected fire drill.


Intense, eager enjoyment or interest.
The children's excitement at the prospect of snow was infectious.


A condition of turbulent motion.


The act or an instance of exciting.


An agitated disturbance; a hubbub
Heard a commotion in the hall.


The condition of being excited.


Civil disturbance or insurrection; disorder.


Something that excites
The dancing tigers and other circus excitements.


A state of turbulent motion.


(uncountable) the state of being excited (emotionally aroused).
Get caught up in the excitement


An agitated disturbance or a hubbub.


(countable) something that excites.


Disturbed or violent motion; agitation.
[What] commotion in the winds !


The act of exciting, or the state of being roused into action, or of having increased action; impulsion; agitation; as, an excitement of the people.


A popular tumult; public disturbance; riot.
When ye shall hear of wars and commotions.


That which excites or rouses; that which moves, stirs, or induces action; a motive.
The cares and excitements of a season of transition and struggle.


Agitation, perturbation, or disorder, of mind; heat; excitement.


A state of aroused or increased vital activity in an organism, or any of its organs or tissues.


A disorderly outburst or tumult;
They were amazed by the furious disturbance they had caused


The feeling of lively and cheerful joy;
He could hardly conceal his excitement when she agreed


The act of making a noisy disturbance


The state of being emotionally aroused and worked up;
His face was flushed with excitement and his hands trembled
He tried to calm those who were in a state of extreme inflammation


Confused movement;
He was caught up in a whirl of work
A commotion of people fought for the exits


Something that agitates and arouses;
He looked forward to the excitements of the day


Disorderly outburst or tumult.
The commotion at the concert started when the lights went out.


Disturbance usually in protest


Stimulated, energetic, or thrilled state.
She could barely contain her excitement at the news.

Common Curiosities

Is excitement always related to happiness?

Excitement is generally positive but can be mixed with other emotions like nervousness.

What's an example of a commotion in public?

A fight breaking out in a crowded place can cause a commotion.

Is a commotion always loud?

Typically, yes. Commotion usually involves noise and confusion.

Does excitement affect focus?

It can, either enhancing focus on the exciting element or distracting from other tasks.

How long can a commotion last?

The duration varies, from a few moments to several hours, depending on the cause.

What causes a commotion?

A commotion is usually caused by noisy disturbances, confusion, or disorder.

How is excitement expressed?

Excitement is expressed through heightened enthusiasm, eagerness, or emotional arousal.

Can commotion be positive?

Commotion is typically viewed negatively, as it suggests disruption and disorder.

Can excitement be calm?

Excitement usually involves heightened energy, so it's rarely calm.

What is an internal commotion?

It refers to inner turmoil or emotional disturbance.

Does commotion always involve many people?

Often, but not always. A single source can sometimes cause a commotion.

How can excitement be managed?

Through deep breathing, focusing on the present, or channeling energy productively.

Is commotion a sign of danger?

It can be, especially if it involves panic or fear.

Can excitement be negative?

Excitement is generally positive but might be overwhelming or distracting in some cases.

Can excitement lead to anxiety?

In some cases, excessive excitement can turn into anxiety or nervousness.

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Written by
Tayyaba Rehman
Tayyaba Rehman is a distinguished writer, currently serving as a primary contributor to As a researcher in semantics and etymology, Tayyaba's passion for the complexity of languages and their distinctions has found a perfect home on the platform. Tayyaba delves into the intricacies of language, distinguishing between commonly confused words and phrases, thereby providing clarity for readers worldwide.

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