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Cheroot vs. Cigar — What's the Difference?

By Maham Liaqat & Urooj Arif — Updated on May 1, 2024
Cheroots are open-ended, inexpensive cigars traditionally from South Asia and Myanmar, typically uniform in shape. Cigars, on the other hand, are closed at one end, often hand-rolled, and come in various shapes and sizes globally.
Cheroot vs. Cigar — What's the Difference?

Difference Between Cheroot and Cigar


Key Differences

Cheroots are characterized by their open ends and cheaper, local ingredients, making them a popular choice in South Asia and Myanmar. In contrast, cigars are typically closed at one end, crafted with select tobacco blends, and are associated with more traditional cigar-making regions like Cuba and the Dominican Republic.
Cheroots often maintain a consistent diameter throughout their length, giving them a uniform shape. Whereas cigars vary greatly in shape, from robusto to corona, influenced by the traditions and preferences of different cultures.
The production of cheroots is generally less labor-intensive, and they are often machine-made, which contributes to their lower cost. On the other hand, premium cigars are usually hand-rolled by skilled artisans, which adds to their allure and price.
The smoking duration of cheroots tends to be shorter due to their size and construction, making them suitable for casual, quick smokes. Cigars, however, are often savored over a longer period, offering a more prolonged, complex flavor profile.
Tobacco used in cheroots is typically stronger and more rustic, reflecting local growing conditions and preferences. Conversely, cigars use a variety of tobacco leaves, including wrappers and fillers that are aged and blended to create distinct, refined flavors.

Comparison Chart

End Construction

Open at both ends
Closed at one end


Uniform throughout
Varies (e.g., torpedo, robusto)


Often machine-made
Typically hand-rolled

Smoking Duration


Tobacco Characteristics

Stronger, more rustic
Varied, often aged and blended

Compare with Definitions


Often cheaper and less complex than cigars.
Cheroots are a popular choice for a quick, inexpensive smoke.


Can be made from different blends of tobacco.
His favorite cigars are those made from a blend of Nicaraguan and Honduran leaves.


Usually made from locally grown tobacco.
Cheroots utilize robust tobacco varieties grown nearby.


Comes in various shapes and sizes.
For his collection, he prefers large, robusto cigars.


A traditional smoke in Myanmar and parts of India.
Local markets in Myanmar sell handmade cheroots.


A roll of tobacco leaves for smoking, closed at one end.
He celebrated the birth of his daughter with a fine Cuban cigar.


Typically smoked without cutting.
Unlike premium cigars, cheroots can be smoked as they are without any preparation.


Often associated with luxury and leisure.
Smoking a cigar on the terrace became his evening ritual.


A small cigar with both ends cut flat.
He lit a cheroot while waiting for the bus.


Requires cutting before smoking.
He used a silver cutter to prepare his cigar.


The cheroot is a filterless cylindrical cigar with both ends clipped during manufacture. Since cheroots do not taper, they are inexpensive to roll mechanically, and their low cost makes them popular.


A cigar is a rolled bundle of dried and fermented tobacco leaves made to be smoked. Cigars are produced in a variety of sizes and shapes.


A cigar with square-cut ends.


A cylinder of tobacco rolled in tobacco leaves for smoking.


A cigar with square-cut ends.


A compact roll of tobacco leaves prepared for smoking.


A cigar with both ends cut flat


A cylinder of tobacco rolled and wrapped with an outer covering of tobacco leaves, intended to be smoked.


(slang) The penis. en


A small roll of tobacco, used for smoking.


A roll of tobacco for smoking

Common Curiosities

How does a cigar differ from a cheroot in terms of construction?

Cigars are generally closed at one end and can vary in shape, while cheroots are open-ended and uniform.

What is a cheroot?

A cheroot is a type of cigar with both ends cut flat, often less refined and cheaper than typical cigars.

Are cheroots cheaper than cigars?

Yes, cheroots are typically less expensive due to their simpler production methods and local ingredients.

What types of tobacco are used in cigars?

Cigars can use various types of tobacco leaves, often aged and blended to achieve specific flavor profiles.

What are common shapes of cigars?

Cigars come in several shapes, including torpedo, robusto, and corona.

Why are cigars often considered a luxury item?

Cigars are seen as luxurious due to their intricate production, variety of blends, and association with leisure activities.

Can you smoke a cheroot without any preparation?

Yes, cheroots can be smoked directly without any cutting, unlike many cigars which need to be cut before smoking.

What is the typical duration of smoking a cheroot compared to a cigar?

Smoking a cheroot is generally quicker than enjoying a cigar, which is designed for a longer, leisurely experience.

How are cheroots typically made?

Cheroots are often machine-made, making them more accessible and affordable.

Where are cheroots traditionally from?

Cheroots are traditionally from Myanmar and certain regions in India.

What does the flavor profile of a cheroot like?

Cheroots tend to have a stronger, more rustic flavor, reflecting the local tobacco and less refined processing.

Is there a ritual associated with smoking cigars?

Yes, smoking cigars can involve rituals like cutting the end, choosing the right lighter, and savoring the smoke slowly.

What makes cheroots popular in their native regions?

Their affordability, local production, and straightforward smoking experience make cheroots popular in regions like Myanmar and India.

How does the flavor of cigars vary?

Cigar flavors vary widely depending on the tobacco blend, aging process, and origin.

Are cigars always hand-rolled?

While not all cigars are hand-rolled, premium cigars are typically crafted by skilled artisans.

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Written by
Maham Liaqat
Co-written by
Urooj Arif
Urooj is a skilled content writer at Ask Difference, known for her exceptional ability to simplify complex topics into engaging and informative content. With a passion for research and a flair for clear, concise writing, she consistently delivers articles that resonate with our diverse audience.

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