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Cheer vs. Celebrate — What's the Difference?

Edited by Tayyaba Rehman — By Urooj Arif — Updated on April 4, 2024
Cheering involves vocal support or encouragement, often in a group, while celebrating entails engaging in activities or ceremonies to honor a special occasion or achievement.
Cheer vs. Celebrate — What's the Difference?

Difference Between Cheer and Celebrate


Key Differences

Cheering is primarily a vocal expression of support, enthusiasm, or encouragement, typically done in groups during sports events or competitions to motivate participants. In contrast, celebrating encompasses a broader range of activities, including parties, ceremonies, or quiet reflection, aimed at acknowledging and honoring a special event, achievement, or milestone.
While cheering is momentary and spontaneous, often a reaction to a specific action or performance, celebrating is usually premeditated and can last for a longer duration, planned around significant dates or accomplishments. Cheering is about immediate support, whereas celebrating reflects on past successes or occasions.
The social context of cheering is often public and collective, creating a shared atmosphere of excitement and unity among supporters. Celebrating, on the other hand, can be either public or private, ranging from large gatherings like weddings or graduations to intimate moments with close friends or family.
In terms of emotional expression, cheering is associated with loud, energetic displays of encouragement or joy, aimed at boosting morale or showing approval. Celebrating, while also joyful, can encompass a wider spectrum of emotions, including gratitude, reflection, and deep personal satisfaction, depending on the nature of the occasion.
The act of cheering can play a significant role in sports and performance arts, directly impacting participants by providing motivation and a sense of community. Celebrating, however, often follows the completion of an event or achievement, serving as a recognition of effort and success, irrespective of the field or context.

Comparison Chart


Vocal expression of support or encouragement.
Engaging in activities to honor a special occasion or achievement.


Momentary, spontaneous.
Can be premeditated, lasting longer.


Often public and collective.
Can be public or private, individual or collective.

Emotional Expression

Energetic displays of encouragement.
Encompasses joy, gratitude, reflection.


Motivates participants during events.
Acknowledges and honors achievements or occasions.

Compare with Definitions


To shout support or encouragement.
Fans cheer loudly when their team scores a goal.


To mark a special occasion with festivities.
They decided to celebrate their anniversary with a dinner out.


An act of showing vocal enthusiasm.
The audience's cheer uplifted the performers.


Reflects on past successes or milestones.
Celebrating ten years of work, the company hosted a gala.


A spontaneous reaction to a positive event.
His successful attempt drew cheers from the crowd.


Engaging in activities acknowledging an achievement.
Graduating students celebrate their success with a ceremony.


Often associated with sports or competitions.
Cheering for your team is part of the game's excitement.


Can involve various rituals or ceremonies.
Many cultures celebrate the new year with unique traditions.


Can signify approval or support.
We cheer to show our agreement and encouragement.


Encompasses a wide range of emotional expressions.
The family gathered to celebrate, sharing joy and gratitude.


Shout for joy or in praise or encouragement
She cheered from the sidelines


To observe (a day or event) with ceremonies of respect, festivity, or rejoicing.


Give comfort or support to
He seemed greatly cheered by my arrival


To perform (a religious ceremony)
Celebrate Mass.


A shout of encouragement, praise, or joy
A tremendous cheer from the audience


To extol or praise
A sonnet that celebrates love.


Cheerfulness, optimism, or confidence
An attempt to inject a little cheer into this gloomy season


To make widely known; display
"a determination on the author's part to celebrate ... the offenses of another" (William H. Pritchard).


A shout of approval, encouragement, or congratulation
A remark that drew cheers from the crowd.


To observe an occasion with appropriate ceremony or festivity.


A short, rehearsed jingle or phrase, shouted in unison by a squad of cheerleaders.


To perform a religious ceremony.


Comfort or encouragement
A message of cheer.


To engage in festivities
Went out and celebrated after the victory.


Lightness of spirits or mood; gaiety or joy
A happy tune, full of cheer.


(transitive) To extol or honour in a solemn manner.
To celebrate the name of the Most High


Festive food and drink; refreshment
Did not refrain from sampling their holiday cheer.


(transitive) To honour by rites, by ceremonies of joy and respect, or by refraining from ordinary business; to observe duly.
To celebrate a birthday


To shout cheers.


(intransitive) To engage in joyful activity in appreciation of an event.
I was promoted today at work—let’s celebrate!


To express praise or approval
Bloggers cheered when the favorable decision was announced.


(transitive) To perform or participate in, as a sacrament or solemn rite; to perform with appropriate rites.
To celebrate a marriage


To become cheerful
Had lunch and soon cheered up.


To extol or honor in a solemn manner; as, to celebrate the name of the Most High.


To encourage with cheers
The fans cheered the runners on.


To honor by solemn rites, by ceremonies of joy and respect, or by refraining from ordinary business; to observe duly; to keep; as, to celebrate a birthday.
From even unto even shall ye celebrate your Sabbath.


To salute or acclaim with cheers; applaud.


To perform or participate in, as a sacrament or solemn rite; to solemnize; to perform with appropriate rites; as, to celebrate a marriage.
We are called upon to commemorate a revolution as surprising in its manner as happy in its consequences.
Earth, water, air, and fire, with feeling glee,Exult to celebrate thy festival.


To express praise or approval for; acclaim
Cheered the results of the election.


Celebrate, as of holidays or rites;
Keep the commandments
Celebrate Christmas
Observe Yom Kippur


To make happier or more cheerful
A warm fire that cheered us.


Have a celebration;
They were feting the patriarch of the family
After the exam, the students were celebrating


(uncountable) A cheerful attitude; happiness; a good, happy, or positive mood.


Assign great social importance to;
The film director was celebrated all over Hollywood
The tenor was lionized in Vienna


That which promotes good spirits or cheerfulness, especially food and entertainment prepared for a festive occasion.
A table loaded with good cheer


(countable) A cry expressing joy, approval or support, such as "hurrah".
Three cheers for the birthday boy!
A cheer rose from the crowd.


(countable) A chant made in support of a team at a sports event.


(obsolete) One's facial expression or countenance.


(archaic) One's attitude, mood.


Cheerleading, especially when practiced as a competitive sport.
Alex participated in cheer all four years of college.
I'm going to wear my new cheer shoes at cheer today.


(transitive) To gladden; to make cheerful; often with up.
We were cheered by the offer of a cup of tea.


(transitive) To infuse life, courage, animation, or hope, into; to inspirit; to solace or comfort.


To encourage to do something.


(ambitransitive) To applaud or encourage with cheers or shouts.
The crowd cheered in support of the athletes.
The crowd cheered the athletes.


To feel or express enthusiasm for (something).
The finance sector will cheer this decision.


The face; the countenance or its expression.


That which promotes good spirits or cheerfulness; provisions prepared for a feast; entertainment; as, a table loaded with good cheer.


Feeling; spirit; state of mind or heart.
Be of good cheer.
The parents . . . fled away with heavy cheer.


Gayety; mirth; cheerfulness; animation.
I have not that alacrity of spirit,Nor cheer of mind, that I was wont to have.


A shout, hurrah, or acclamation, expressing joy enthusiasm, applause, favor, etc.
Welcome her, thundering cheer of the street.


To cause to rejoice; to gladden; to make cheerful; - often with up.


To infuse life, courage, animation, or hope, into; to inspirit; to solace or comfort.
The proud he tamed, the penitent he cheered.


To salute or applaud with cheers; to urge on by cheers; as, to cheer hounds in a chase.


To grow cheerful; to become gladsome or joyous; - usually with up.
At sight of thee my gloomy soul cheers up.


To be in any state or temper of mind.
How cheer'st thou, Jessica?


To utter a shout or shouts of applause, triumph, etc.
And even the ranks of TusculumCould scare forbear to cheer.


A cry or shout of approval


The quality of being cheerful and dispelling gloom;
Flowers added a note of cheerfulness to the drab room


Give encouragement to


Show approval or good wishes by shouting;
Everybody cheered the birthday boy


Cause (somebody) to feel happier or more cheerful;
She tried to cheer up the disappointed child when he failed to win the spelling bee


Become cheerful


Urge on or encourage especially by shouts;
The crowd cheered the demonstrating strikers

Common Curiosities

Is cheering always loud and public?

While often loud and collective, cheering can also be a quiet, personal expression of support or enthusiasm.

Do you need a specific reason to celebrate?

Typically, celebrations are tied to specific occasions, achievements, or milestones, but one can also celebrate personal victories or moments of happiness without a conventional reason.

Can you celebrate without a party or gathering?

Yes, celebrating can be a personal, introspective activity, such as taking time to reflect on an achievement or special moment.

Can cheering be considered a form of celebrating?

Cheering can be part of celebrating, especially as an immediate reaction to a success or achievement, but celebration encompasses a wider range of activities and emotions.

Is celebrating always related to positive events?

Primarily, yes, though some cultures have celebrations that also remember and honor the past, including those who have passed away, in a respectful and positive light.

Are there occasions where cheering is inappropriate?

Yes, cheering is context-dependent and might be considered inappropriate in solemn or formal settings where quiet respect is expected.

How do people choose to celebrate?

The choice of celebration depends on personal or cultural significance, the nature of the achievement or occasion, and individual or collective preferences.

Is there a cultural aspect to cheering and celebrating?

Absolutely, both cheering and celebrating are influenced by cultural norms and traditions, varying significantly across different societies.

How does cheering affect the outcome of an event?

While cheering does not directly influence the technical outcome, it can significantly boost participants' morale and performance.

Can celebrations be spontaneous?

While celebrations are often planned, spontaneous celebrations can occur in response to unexpected good news or achievements.

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Urooj Arif
Urooj is a skilled content writer at Ask Difference, known for her exceptional ability to simplify complex topics into engaging and informative content. With a passion for research and a flair for clear, concise writing, she consistently delivers articles that resonate with our diverse audience.
Tayyaba Rehman is a distinguished writer, currently serving as a primary contributor to As a researcher in semantics and etymology, Tayyaba's passion for the complexity of languages and their distinctions has found a perfect home on the platform. Tayyaba delves into the intricacies of language, distinguishing between commonly confused words and phrases, thereby providing clarity for readers worldwide.

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