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Character vs. Trait — What's the Difference?

By Tayyaba Rehman — Updated on September 16, 2023
A character refers to the combination of qualities that make up an individual's personality, while a trait is a specific quality or characteristic that forms part of one's character.
Character vs. Trait — What's the Difference?

Difference Between Character and Trait


Key Differences

Character encompasses an individual's moral and ethical qualities, shaping who they are at their core. A trait, on the other hand, is a specific characteristic or quality that can be a component of character.
When we speak of someone's character, we refer to their overall disposition, especially in terms of morality and integrity. In contrast, when we describe a trait, we pinpoint a particular aspect or feature of their personality.
Character is the summation of all traits and attributes that define a person's moral and ethical stance. A trait represents just a fragment of that whole, like honesty, kindness, or stubbornness.
Someone's character can be gauged by observing their actions and decisions over time. A trait can be identified through specific behaviors or tendencies in certain situations.
While character is more holistic, providing a broad understanding of a person's nature, a trait offers a more focused insight into specific elements of a person's personality.

Comparison Chart


Overall moral and ethical disposition.
A specific characteristic or quality.


Broad, encompassing various traits.
Narrow, focuses on one particular aspect.


Long-term, stable over time.
Can be temporary or permanent.


Gauged over time through actions.
Identified through specific behaviors.


Combination of various traits and attributes.
Singular, not composed of other elements.

Compare with Definitions


A person's inherent attributes that define their nature.
His character is shaped by his experiences and upbringing.


An inherited or acquired characteristic.
Blue eyes are a genetic trait passed down in families.


The mental and moral qualities distinct to an individual.
Acts of kindness and generosity speak volumes about one's character.


A distinguishing quality or characteristic.
Patience is a valuable trait in a teacher.


A set of features or qualities distinguishing one person from another.
His strong character makes him a natural leader.


A particular aspect of a person's character.
Honesty is a trait she values highly.


An evaluation of one's moral worth based on actions and beliefs.
Her strong character is evident in her dedication to community service.


A specific attribute or tendency.
A common trait among successful people is resilience.


The combination of mental characteristics and behavior that distinguishes a person or group.


A distinguishing quality or characteristic, typically one belonging to a person
The traditionally British trait of self-denigration


The distinguishing nature of something.


A distinguishing feature, as of a person's character.


Moral strength; integrity
An educational program designed to develop character.


A morphological, physiological, or behavioral feature of an organism.


Public estimation of someone; reputation
Personal attacks that damaged her character.


(Archaic) A short line or mark made with a writing or drawing implement.


(Biology) A structure, function, or attribute of an organism, influenced by genetic, environmental, and developmental factors.


An identifying characteristic, habit or trend.
The number one personality trait I hate is hypocrisy. Why can't you be consistent!?


A person considered as having a specific quality or attribute
"Being a man of the world and a public character, [he] took everything as a matter of course" (George Eliot).


(object-oriented) An uninstantiable collection of methods that provides functionality to a class by using the class’s own interface.
Traits are somewhat between an interface and a mixin.


A person considered funny or eccentric
Catcalls from some character in the back row.


A stroke; a touch.
By this single trait Homer makes an essential difference between the Iliad and Odyssey.


A person portrayed in an artistic piece, such as a drama or novel.


A distinguishing or marked feature; a peculiarity; as, a trait of character.


A person or animal portrayed with a personality in comics or animation
A cartoon character.


A distinguishing feature of your personal nature


Characterization in fiction or drama
A script that is weak in plot but strong in character.


A specific feature observed in an individual.
Her dominant trait is her infectious enthusiasm.


Status or role; capacity
In his character as the father.


A description of a person's attributes, traits, or abilities.


A formal written statement as to competency and dependability, given by an employer to a former employee; a recommendation.


A mark or symbol used in a writing system.


A Chinese character.


One of a set of symbols, such as letters or numbers, that are arranged to express information.


The numerical code representing such a character.


(Mathematics) The trace function of a representation.


A style of printing or writing
"Here is the hand and seal of the Duke.
You know the character" (Shakespeare).


A cipher or code for secret writing.


Of or relating to one's character.


Specializing in the interpretation of often minor roles that emphasize fixed personality traits or specific physical characteristics
A character actor.


Of or relating to the interpretation of such roles by an actor
The character part of the hero's devoted mother.


Dedicated to the portrayal of a person with regard to distinguishing psychological or physical features
A character sketch.


To write, print, engrave, or inscribe.


To portray or describe; characterize.


(countable) A being involved in the action of a story.


(countable) A distinguishing feature; characteristic; trait; phene.
A single locus governing the petal colour character was detected on the linkage group A2.


A complex of traits marking a person, group, breed, or type.
A study of the suspect's character and his cast iron alibi ruled him out.


(uncountable) Strength of mind; resolution; independence; individuality; moral strength.
He has a great deal of character.
"You may not like to eat liver," said Calvin's father, "but it builds character."


(countable) A unique or extraordinary individual; a person characterized by peculiar or notable traits, especially charisma.
Julius Caesar is a great historical character.
That bloke is such a character.


(countable) A written or printed symbol, or letter.


Style of writing or printing; handwriting; the particular form of letters used by a person or people.
An inscription in the Runic character


A secret cipher; a way of writing in code.


One of the basic elements making up a text file or string: a code representing a printing character or a control character.


A person or individual, especially one who is unknown.
We saw a shady character slinking out of the office with some papers.
That old guy is a real character.


A complex number representing an element of a finite Abelian group.


(countable) Quality, position, rank, or capacity; quality or conduct with respect to a certain office or duty.
In the miserable character of a slave
In his character as a magistrate


The estimate, individual or general, put upon a person or thing; reputation.
A man's character for truth and veracity
Her actions give her a bad character.


A reference given to a servant, attesting to their behaviour, competence, etc.


Personal appearance.


(obsolete) To write (using characters); to describe.


A distinctive mark; a letter, figure, or symbol.
It were much to be wished that there were throughout the world but one sort of character for each letter to express it to the eye.


Style of writing or printing; handwriting; the peculiar form of letters used by a particular person or people; as, an inscription in the Runic character.
You know the character to be your brother's?


The peculiar quality, or the sum of qualities, by which a person or a thing is distinguished from others; the stamp impressed by nature, education, or habit; that which a person or thing really is; nature; disposition.
The character or that dominion.
Know well each Ancient's proper character;His fable, subject, scope in every page;Religion, Country, genius of his Age.
A man of . . . thoroughly subservient character.


Strength of mind; resolution; independence; individuality; as, he has a great deal of character.


Moral quality; the principles and motives that control the life; as, a man of character; his character saves him from suspicion.


Quality, position, rank, or capacity; quality or conduct with respect to a certain office or duty; as, in the miserable character of a slave; in his character as a magistrate; her character as a daughter.


The estimate, individual or general, put upon a person or thing; reputation; as, a man's character for truth and veracity; to give one a bad character.
This subterraneous passage is much mended since Seneca gave so bad a character of it.


A written statement as to behavior, competency, etc., given to a servant.


A unique or extraordinary individuality; a person characterized by peculiar or notable traits; a person who illustrates certain phases of character; as, Randolph was a character; Cæsar is a great historical character.


One of the persons of a drama or novel.


To engrave; to inscribe.
These trees shall be my books.And in their barks my thoughts I 'll character.


To distinguish by particular marks or traits; to describe; to characterize.


An imaginary person represented in a work of fiction (play or film or story);
She is the main character in the novel


A characteristic property that defines the apparent individual nature of something;
Each town has a quality all its own
The radical character of our demands


The inherent complex of attributes that determine a persons moral and ethical actions and reactions;
Education has for its object the formation of character


An actor's portrayal of someone in a play;
She played the part of Desdemona


A person of a specified kind (usually with many eccentricities);
A real character
A strange character
A friendly eccentric
The capable type
A mental case


Good repute;
He is a man of character


A formal recommendation by a former employer to a potential future employer describing the person's qualifications and dependability;
Requests for character references are all to often answered evasively


A written symbol that is used to represent speech;
The Greek alphabet has 24 characters


Engrave or inscribe characters on


The moral and ethical qualities of an individual.
Her character is unquestionable; she always stands up for what's right.

Common Curiosities

Are all traits inherited?

No, while some traits are genetic, others are learned or developed through life experiences.

How is character different from personality?

Character refers to moral and ethical qualities, while personality encompasses broader behavioral patterns.

Can a person have a trait that contradicts their overall character?

Yes, an individual can exhibit a trait occasionally that might not align with their overall character.

Can one's character be completely devoid of negative traits?

It's rare; most individuals have a mix of positive and negative traits that form their character.

How many traits can a person have?

Individuals can have countless traits, some dominant and others subtle.

Is character permanent?

While core character tends to be stable, life experiences can influence and change it over time.

Can a single trait define a person's character?

No, character is a combination of various traits; one trait does not encompass the entirety of character.

Why is understanding character important?

Understanding character helps predict behavior, make judgments, and foster genuine relationships.

Can external factors influence our traits?

Yes, factors like upbringing, culture, and personal experiences can influence our traits.

How can one improve their character?

By being self-aware, seeking feedback, and consciously working on developing positive traits.

Can a character change but traits remain the same?

Yes, a person's overall character might evolve, but certain traits can remain constant.

Can two people have the same character?

While two people can have similar values and traits, everyone's character is unique due to different life experiences.

What role do traits play in forming character?

Traits are building blocks; their combination and interaction shape an individual's character.

Are traits always visible?

No, while some traits are evident, others might be subtle or only apparent in specific situations.

Are traits solely based on genetics?

No, while some traits are genetic, many are shaped by environment, experiences, and upbringing.

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Written by
Tayyaba Rehman
Tayyaba Rehman is a distinguished writer, currently serving as a primary contributor to As a researcher in semantics and etymology, Tayyaba's passion for the complexity of languages and their distinctions has found a perfect home on the platform. Tayyaba delves into the intricacies of language, distinguishing between commonly confused words and phrases, thereby providing clarity for readers worldwide.

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