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Cero vs. Zero — What's the Difference?

By Fiza Rafique — Updated on October 26, 2023
Cero is the Spanish word for the number "0." Zero is the English word for the same number.
Cero vs. Zero — What's the Difference?

Difference Between Cero and Zero


Key Differences

Cero is a term that originates from the Spanish language. It is used to denote the numeral "0" and represents the absence of quantity. Zero, on the other hand, is the English equivalent of this concept. It too represents the numeral "0" and signifies a lack of any numerical value.
Both Cero and Zero serve as crucial linguistic representations of the concept of nothingness in their respective languages. Without words like Cero and Zero, expressing the absence of something numerically would be challenging in Spanish and English.
While Cero is primarily used in Spanish-speaking regions, Zero has its roots in Old Italian but is now widely accepted and utilized in the English language. Both words, though from different linguistic backgrounds, serve the same mathematical and conceptual purpose.
In the realm of mathematics and science, both Cero and Zero are pivotal. Whether you're working on a math problem in Madrid or New York, the understanding of Cero or Zero as the starting point or the absence of quantity remains consistent.

Comparison Chart

Language Origin

English (adopted from Old Italian)

Numerical Value

Represents the number "0"
Represents the number "0"


Pronounced as "say-ro"
Pronounced as "zee-ro"

Usage Regions

Predominantly in Spanish-speaking regions
Globally in English-speaking regions


Denotes absence of quantity
Denotes absence of quantity

Compare with Definitions


The Spanish numeral for "0."
Mi contraseña comienza con un cero. (My password starts with a zero.)


A placeholder in decimal systems.
The number 102 has a zero in the middle.


A point of departure in Spanish mathematics.
El cero es el punto de inicio en la línea numérica. (Zero is the starting point on the number line.)


Indicating a null or void state.
My chances of winning are zero.


A placeholder in the Spanish numeral system.
El número 205 tiene un cero en el medio. (The number 205 has a zero in the middle.)


The numerical symbol 0; a cipher.


Denoting nothing or none in Spanish.
Cero personas vinieron a la reunión. (Zero people came to the meeting.)


The identity element for addition.


An absence of value in Spanish.
Tengo cero dólares en mi bolsillo. (I have zero dollars in my pocket.)


A cardinal number indicating the absence of any or all units under consideration.


An edible fish (Scomberomorus regalis) of western Atlantic waters, having silvery sides and a dark-blue back.


An ordinal number indicating an initial point or origin.


A large scombroid food fish (Scomberomorus regalis) found chiefly in the West Indies.


An argument at which the value of a function vanishes.


A large and valuable fish of the Mackerel family, of the genus Scomberomorus. Two species are found in the West Indies and less commonly on the Atlantic coast of the United States, - the common cero (Scomberomorus caballa), called also kingfish, and spotted, or king, cero (Scomberomorus regalis).


The temperature indicated by the numeral 0 on a thermometer.


Large edible mackerel of temperate United States coastal Atlantic waters


A sight setting that enables a firearm to shoot on target.


Large mackerel with long pointed snout; important food and game fish of the eastern Atlantic coast southward to Brazil


(Informal) One having no influence or importance; a nonentity
A manager who was a total zero.


The lowest point
His prospects were approaching zero.


(Informal) Nothing; nil
Today I accomplished zero.


Of, relating to, or being zero.


Having no measurable or otherwise determinable value.


(Informal) Not any; no
"The town has ... practically no opportunities for amusement, zero culture" (Robert M. Adams).


Designating a ceiling not more than 16 meters (52 feet) high.


Limited in horizontal visibility to no more than 55 meters (180 feet).


(Linguistics) Of or relating to a morpheme that is expected by an established, regular paradigm but has no spoken or written form. Moose has a zero plural; that is, its plural is moose.


To adjust (an instrument or a device) to zero value.


The cardinal number occurring before one and that denotes no quantity or amount at all, represented in Arabic numerals as 0.
The conductor waited until the passenger count was zero.
A cheque for zero dollars and zero cents crashed the computers on division by zero.


The numeric symbol that represents the cardinal number zero.
In unary and k-adic notation in general, zero is the empty string.
Write 0.0 to indicate a floating point number rather than the integer zero.
The zero sign in American Sign Language is considered rude in some cultures.


The digit 0 in the decimal, binary, and all other base numbering systems.
One million has six zeroes.


Nothing, or none.
The shipment was lost, so they had zero in stock.
He knows zero about humour.
In the end, all of our hard work amounted to zero.


The value of a magnitude corresponding to the cardinal number zero.
The electromagnetic field does not drop all of the way to zero before a reversal.


The point on a scale at which numbering or measurement originates.
The temperature outside is ten degrees below zero.


(mathematics) A value of the independent variables of a function, for which the function is equal to zero.
The zeroes of a polynomial are its roots by the fundamental theorem of algebra.
The derivative of a continuous, differentiable function that twice crosses the axis must have a zero.
The nontrivial zeros of the Riemann zeta function may all lie on the critical line.


The additive identity element of a monoid or greater algebraic structure, particularly a group or ring.
Since a commutative zero is the inverse of any additive identity, it must be unique when it exists.
The zero (of a ring or field) has the property that the product of the zero with any element yields the zero.
The quotient ring over a maximal ideal is a field with a single zero element.


(slang) A person of little or no importance.
They rudely treated him like a zero.


(military) A Mitsubishi A6M Zero, a long range fighter aircraft operated by the Japanese Navy Air Service from 1940 to 1945.


A setting of calibrated instruments such as a firearm, corresponding to a zero value.


(finance) A security which has a zero coupon (paying no periodic interest).
The takeovers were financed by issuing zeroes.


(informal) No, not any.
She showed zero respect.


(meteorology) Of a cloud ceiling, limiting vision to 50 feet (15 meters) or less.


(meteorology) Of horizontal visibility, limited to 165 feet (50.3 meters) or less.


(linguistics) Present at an abstract level, but not realized in the surface form.
The stem of "kobieta" with the zero ending is "kobiet".


(transitive) To set a measuring instrument to zero; to calibrate an instrument scale to valid zero.
Zero the fluorometer with the same solvent used in extraction.
George parked in space 34, zeroed the trip meter, closed and locked his car, then went back to the guard shack.


To change a memory location or range to values of zero; to set a variable in a computer program to zero.
Results were inconsistent because an array wasn’t zeroed during initialization.


(transitive) To cause or set some value or amount to be zero.
They tried to zero the budget by the end of the quarter.
The bill was over $400, but the server zeroed it out as a gesture of gratitude.


(transitive) To eliminate; to delete; to overwrite with zeros.


(intransitive) To disappear.


A cipher; nothing; naught.


The point from which the graduation of a scale, as of a thermometer, commences.


Fig.: The lowest point; the point of exhaustion; as, his patience had nearly reached zero.


A quantity of no importance;
It looked like nothing I had ever seen before
Reduced to nil all the work we had done
We racked up a pathetic goose egg
It was all for naught
I didn't hear zilch about it


A mathematical element that when added to another number yields the same number


The quantity that registers a reading of zero on a scale


Adjust (an instrument or device) to zero value


Adjust (as by firing under test conditions) the zero of (a gun);
He zeroed in his rifle at 200 yards


Indicating the absence of any or all units under consideration;
A zero score


Indicating an initial point or origin


Of or relating to the null set (a set with no members)


Having no measurable or otherwise determinable value;
The goal is zero population growth


The numeral denoting the absence of quantity.
I have zero candy left.


A starting point or baseline.
The thermostat is set at zero degrees.


Representing the lowest point or value.
He was feeling absolute zero motivation to study.

Common Curiosities

Can Cero be used in English sentences?

Typically, no. "Cero" is Spanish and would be out of place in most English contexts.

Are Cero and Zero used in the same way?

Both represent the absence of quantity but are used in their respective languages.

Is the concept of Zero the same globally?

Yes, Zero universally represents the absence of quantity or a starting point.

How do you pronounce Cero?

Cero is pronounced as "say-ro."

Why is Zero important in math?

Zero serves as a foundational concept in arithmetic and a placeholder in larger numbers.

Where did the word Zero originate?

Zero has its roots in Old Italian but is now an integral part of the English language.

Is Cero used beyond mathematics in Spanish?

Yes, it can denote an absence or lack of something, not just in mathematical terms.

What does Cero mean?

Cero is the Spanish word for the number "0."

How is Zero different from Cero?

Zero is the English word for "0," while Cero is its Spanish counterpart.

Can you use Zero in a metaphorical sense in English?

Absolutely! Phrases like "starting from zero" can mean beginning from nothing.

How do you pronounce Zero?

Zero is pronounced as "zee-ro."

Is it essential to know both Cero and Zero if I'm bilingual?

Yes, understanding both words would help in accurate communication in both Spanish and English.

Can Zero be used to describe non-numeric things in English?

Yes, you can say "zero interest" or "zero tolerance," indicating none or absence.

Is the concept of Cero the same in all Spanish-speaking countries?

Yes, Cero consistently represents the number "0" across Spanish-speaking regions.

What happens if I mix Cero and Zero in a conversation?

It might confuse listeners, especially if they're unfamiliar with one of the languages.

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Fiza Rafique
Fiza Rafique is a skilled content writer at, where she meticulously refines and enhances written pieces. Drawing from her vast editorial expertise, Fiza ensures clarity, accuracy, and precision in every article. Passionate about language, she continually seeks to elevate the quality of content for readers worldwide.

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