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Capris vs. Culottes — What's the Difference?

Edited by Tayyaba Rehman — By Urooj Arif — Updated on April 17, 2024
Capris are close-fitting, calf-length pants, while culottes are wide-legged and typically hang like a skirt.
Capris vs. Culottes — What's the Difference?

Difference Between Capris and Culottes


Key Differences

Capris are a style of pants that end between the knee and the ankle, offering a sporty and casual look, whereas culottes are wider in cut and usually reach just below the knee, providing a more formal and skirt-like appearance.
Capris are traditionally made from light, breathable materials such as cotton or denim, suitable for warm weather, while culottes can be found in a variety of fabrics including heavier materials for cooler conditions.
Capris typically fit closer to the body, accentuating the wearer's shape, on the other hand, culottes offer a loose fit, making them ideal for those seeking comfort and ease of movement.
The fitting nature of capris makes them a preferred choice for activities such as hiking or cycling, whereas the flowing design of culottes lends itself well to office environments or social gatherings.
Capris often feature a simple, streamlined design with minimal detailing, while culottes may incorporate pleats, pockets, or belts to enhance their skirt-like silhouette.

Comparison Chart


Ends between knee and ankle
Typically just below the knee




More casual, sporty
More formal, skirt-like

Preferred Material

Light materials like cotton or denim
Varied, including heavier materials


Suited for physical activities
Suited for formal settings and comfort

Compare with Definitions


Often made from breathable materials like cotton.
His cotton capris kept him comfortable during the hot day.


May include design elements like pleats or belts.
Her culottes featured deep pleats for extra volume.


Close-fitting, calf-length pants.
She wore her denim capris for the weekend hike.


Can be made from a variety of materials.
The wool culottes were ideal for the chilly autumn weather.


Suited for casual or sporty settings.
Capris are perfect for a casual day out or a light workout.


Often cut to end just below the knee.
Her culottes fluttered gracefully at mid-calf as she walked.


Ends between the knee and ankle.
Her capris showed off her ankle boots perfectly.


Suitable for formal or fashionable settings.
Culottes paired with a blazer create a sophisticated ensemble.


Features a streamlined design.
The sleek design of her capris complemented her minimalist style.


Wide-legged, skirt-like pants.
She chose floral culottes for her office outfit.


Capri pants


Culottes are an item of clothing worn on the lower half of the body. The term can refer to either split skirts, historical men's breeches, or women's under-pants; this is an example of fashion-industry words taken from designs across history, languages and cultures, then being used to describe different garments, often creating confusion among historians and readers.


A pair of pants that usually falls between the knees and the ankles and is cut to resemble a skirt.


A type of loose shorts which look like a skirt; a divided skirt.


A type of women's trousers with wide legs cut loose and full so as to resemble a skirt.


A divided skirt

Common Curiosities

What are capris?

Capris are calf-length pants that fit close to the body and are typically made from light, breathable materials.

What are culottes?

Culottes are wide-legged pants that resemble a skirt and can be made from various materials, including heavier fabrics.

Can capris be worn for formal occasions?

While capris are generally casual, selecting dressier materials or designs can make them suitable for some formal settings.

Who typically wears capris?

Capris are worn by individuals seeking a casual or sporty look, suitable for warm weather and outdoor activities.

Are culottes suitable for summer?

Yes, culottes made from light materials can be very comfortable and stylish during the summer months.

Do capris come in different styles?

Yes, capris can vary in style from very tight-fitting to slightly looser cuts, depending on the design.

Are culottes easy to move in?

Yes, the wide-legged nature of culottes allows for great freedom of movement, making them comfortable for wear throughout the day.

Who typically wears culottes?

Culottes are chosen by those preferring comfort and a formal or fashionable appearance, often worn in professional or social settings.

How do capris differ from regular pants?

Capris are shorter than regular pants, ending between the knee and ankle, and are generally lighter and more casual.

How do culottes differ from skirts?

Although culottes may look like skirts due to their wide-legged design, they are split into pants for practicality.

What shoes work well with capris?

Sandals, flats, or sneakers typically pair well with capris, depending on the look one is aiming for.

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Urooj Arif
Urooj is a skilled content writer at Ask Difference, known for her exceptional ability to simplify complex topics into engaging and informative content. With a passion for research and a flair for clear, concise writing, she consistently delivers articles that resonate with our diverse audience.
Tayyaba Rehman is a distinguished writer, currently serving as a primary contributor to As a researcher in semantics and etymology, Tayyaba's passion for the complexity of languages and their distinctions has found a perfect home on the platform. Tayyaba delves into the intricacies of language, distinguishing between commonly confused words and phrases, thereby providing clarity for readers worldwide.

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