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Calamari vs. Squid — What's the Difference?

Edited by Tayyaba Rehman — By Fiza Rafique — Updated on October 12, 2023
"Calamari" refers to squid when it's cooked, especially as a dish, while "Squid" is the marine creature itself.
Calamari vs. Squid — What's the Difference?

Difference Between Calamari and Squid


Key Differences

Calamari and Squid are terms that often intertwine in culinary and marine contexts. Calamari is a term derived from the Italian "calamaro," signifying the squid when it's prepared and cooked for consumption. When a menu lists calamari, it typically refers to dishes where the squid is fried, grilled, or prepared in some other culinary manner. In contrast, Squid is the name of the marine cephalopod itself, recognizable by its elongated body and tentacles.
Many people encounter Calamari for the first time at a restaurant, often as an appetizer. It's a popular dish worldwide, served in various forms like rings, grilled pieces, or stuffed. On the other hand, Squid can be found in oceans globally and plays a crucial role in marine ecosystems. It's not only sought after for culinary purposes but is also a significant subject of marine biology studies.
Distinguishing Calamari from Squid is often a matter of context. In culinary circles, especially Mediterranean ones, hearing "calamari" will immediately bring to mind a plate of crispy, golden rings. However, when in a marine biology class or documentary, mentioning Squid might lead to discussions about its biology, habits, and the different species existing.
Another interesting aspect is the linguistic origin. Calamari has its roots in Italian and has been adopted by many languages to denote the dish. Squid, in its English form, encompasses the creature's vast diversity, from the tiny bobtail squid to the enormous giant squid.

Comparison Chart


Squid as a cooked dish.
A marine cephalopod with tentacles.

Usage Context

Marine biology, general knowledge.

Typical Form

Fried rings, grilled pieces, stuffed.
Live creature, raw in seafood markets.

Linguistic Origin

Derived from Italian.
English term for the marine creature.

Associated Fields

Cooking, dining, restaurants.
Oceanography, marine biology, seafood industry.

Compare with Definitions


A Mediterranean dish of cooked squid.
We ordered calamari as our appetizer.


A mollusk found in oceans globally.
The giant squid is one of the ocean's mysteries.


Edible cephalopod often served in rings.
The grilled calamari tasted fresh and tangy.


Used for both food and bait.
Fishermen often use squid as bait for larger fish.


A popular seafood dish worldwide.
Calamari is a favorite dish in coastal regions.


Has a characteristic ink sac.
The squid released its ink as a defense mechanism.


Squid meat that's usually fried.
The calamari was tender and not rubbery.


Part of the cephalopod family, like octopus.
Both squid and octopus are highly intelligent creatures.


Squid prepared as food.


A marine cephalopod with a soft elongated body and tentacles.
The squid jetted away when it sensed danger.


Squid as food, especially cooked in the form of calamari rings


Squid are cephalopods in the superorder Decapodiformes with elongated bodies, large eyes, eight arms and two tentacles. Like all other cephalopods, squid have a distinct head, bilateral symmetry, and a mantle.


Squid, the mollusk, in general


A device that measures minute changes in magnetic flux by means of one or more Josephson junctions, often used to detect extremely small changes in magnetic fields, electric currents, and voltages.


(Italian cuisine) squid prepared as food


Any of various marine cephalopod mollusks of several families of the superorder Decapodiformes (or Decabrachia), having a usually elongated body, eight arms and two tentacles, a reduced or absent internal shell, and a pair of fins.


Any of several carnivorous marine cephalopod mollusks, of the order Teuthida, having a mantle, eight arms, and a pair of tentacles


A fishhook with a piece of bright lead, bone, or other substance fastened on its shank to imitate a squid.


A sailor in the Navy.


A quid; one pound sterling.
Can you lend me five squid? I feel like a bacon sarnie.


A motorcyclist, especially a sport biker, characterized by reckless riding and lack of protective gear.
"In my mind, a street squid is anyone who races on the street. Period."1
"squid: a cocky motorcyclist who darts very aggressively through traffic"2


(angling) To fish with the kind of hook called a squid.


(parachuting) To cause squidding an improper, partial, parachute inflation, that results in the sides of the parachute folding in on the center, and pulsating back and forth.


Any one of numerous species of ten-armed cephalopods having a long, tapered body, and a caudal fin on each side; especially, any species of Loligo, Ommastrephes, and related genera. See Calamary, Decacerata, Dibranchiata.


A fishhook with a piece of bright lead, bone, or other substance, fastened on its shank to imitate a squid.


(Italian cuisine) squid prepared as food


Widely distributed fast-moving ten-armed cephalopod mollusk having a long tapered body with triangular tail fins

Common Curiosities

Is fried calamari the only way to eat it?

No, calamari can be grilled, boiled, or even served raw in some dishes.

Can you eat all types of squid?

Most squid species are edible, but size and preparation methods vary.

Is calamari the same as squid?

Calamari is squid prepared as food, while squid is the marine creature itself.

How many species of squid are there?

There are over 300 recognized species of squid.

Why is it called calamari and not squid on menus?

"Calamari" sounds more appealing and has a culinary association, while "squid" may sound plain.

Is calamari healthy?

Calamari is rich in protein and nutrients, but its healthiness can vary based on preparation methods.

Is calamari popular worldwide?

Yes, calamari dishes can be found in many cuisines across the globe.

How do squids defend themselves?

Squids use ink, camouflage, and jet propulsion to evade predators.

Can calamari be rubbery?

If overcooked, calamari can become rubbery. It's essential to cook it just right.

Do all squids have ink?

Most squids have an ink sac, but not all use it for defense.

Is there a difference in taste between calamari and squid?

The terms refer to the same creature, but taste can vary based on cooking methods.

How do you clean a squid for calamari?

Cleaning involves removing the head, tentacles, insides, and the quill, then peeling the skin.

Are squids intelligent?

Yes, squids have complex brains and exhibit advanced behaviors.

Is calamari expensive?

The price of calamari varies by region and restaurant, but it's generally considered mid-range in cost.

How big can squids get?

Some species, like the giant squid, can grow up to 43 feet.

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Written by
Fiza Rafique
Fiza Rafique is a skilled content writer at, where she meticulously refines and enhances written pieces. Drawing from her vast editorial expertise, Fiza ensures clarity, accuracy, and precision in every article. Passionate about language, she continually seeks to elevate the quality of content for readers worldwide.
Tayyaba Rehman is a distinguished writer, currently serving as a primary contributor to As a researcher in semantics and etymology, Tayyaba's passion for the complexity of languages and their distinctions has found a perfect home on the platform. Tayyaba delves into the intricacies of language, distinguishing between commonly confused words and phrases, thereby providing clarity for readers worldwide.

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