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Brushed Stainless Steel vs. Polished Stainless Steel — What's the Difference?

By Tayyaba Rehman — Published on November 9, 2023
Brushed Stainless Steel has a matte finish due to tiny abrasions on its surface. Polished Stainless Steel has a shiny, reflective finish achieved through smooth buffing.
Brushed Stainless Steel vs. Polished Stainless Steel — What's the Difference?

Difference Between Brushed Stainless Steel and Polished Stainless Steel


Key Differences

Brushed Stainless Steel has a distinct appearance characterized by fine lines or tiny abrasions that run uniformly across its surface. These lines are created intentionally through a brushing process, which gives the metal its matte finish. Polished Stainless Steel, in contrast, is recognized for its mirror-like shine. This gleam is achieved by buffing the steel to a smooth, reflective finish without any visible abrasions.
Brushed Stainless Steel offers some advantages, like concealing fingerprints and minor scratches more efficiently. It's often chosen for its subtle, muted aesthetic which can blend seamlessly into various designs and decors. Polished Stainless Steel, however, exudes a more luxurious and pristine appearance, making it a favorite for decorative purposes, jewelry, and areas where a bright, clean look is desired.
In terms of maintenance, Brushed Stainless Steel can be a tad easier to care for since it doesn't show smudges or fingerprints as prominently. However, its grooves can sometimes trap dirt or grime. Polished Stainless Steel is smooth and, while it can showcase fingerprints, it's easier to wipe clean due to its smooth surface.
When selecting between Brushed Stainless Steel and Polished Stainless Steel for a particular application, it's essential to consider both aesthetics and functionality. The brushed finish may be more suitable for areas with high touch traffic, while polished can be perfect for decorative, high-end settings or when maximum corrosion resistance is needed.

Comparison Chart


Shiny, Reflective


Fine lines or abrasions
Smooth, mirror-like


Conceals fingerprints; grooves might trap dirt
Shows fingerprints; easy to wipe clean

Common Uses

Appliances, tools
Jewelry, decorative items


Slightly textured
Completely smooth

Compare with Definitions

Brushed Stainless Steel

Stainless steel with a dull, matte finish.
The kitchen was equipped with appliances made of brushed stainless steel for a modern look.

Polished Stainless Steel

Steel buffed to a mirror-like surface.
She admired her reflection in the polished stainless steel elevator doors.

Brushed Stainless Steel

Metal that has been brushed to achieve a specific look.
The brushed stainless steel watch had a unique, contemporary appeal.

Polished Stainless Steel

Metal surface that's smooth and reflective.
The polished stainless steel countertop added a touch of luxury to the kitchen.

Brushed Stainless Steel

Steel subjected to a brushing process for texture.
He preferred the subdued elegance of brushed stainless steel fixtures in his bathroom.

Polished Stainless Steel

Reflective steel known for its clean, bright look.
The polished stainless steel frame gave the artwork a modern edge.

Brushed Stainless Steel

Metal surface with uniform abrasions.
Brushed stainless steel handles added a touch of sophistication to the cabinetry.

Polished Stainless Steel

Stainless steel with a bright, shiny finish.
The polished stainless steel jewelry gleamed brilliantly in the light.

Brushed Stainless Steel

Non-reflective steel with fine line texture.
The brushed stainless steel backsplash provided a chic, understated backdrop.

Polished Stainless Steel

Steel treated for a pristine, gleaming appearance.
He chose a polished stainless steel tie clip for the formal event.

Common Curiosities

Is Polished Stainless Steel resistant to fingerprints?

No, polished stainless steel tends to show fingerprints easily due to its shiny surface.

Is one type more durable than the other?

Both types have the durability of stainless steel; the difference lies in appearance and maintenance.

Which is better for hiding minor scratches: Brushed or Polished Stainless Steel?

Brushed Stainless Steel is better at concealing minor scratches.

What gives Brushed Stainless Steel its matte finish?

The matte finish comes from tiny abrasions or fine lines made during the brushing process.

Can Polished Stainless Steel be used for kitchen appliances?

Yes, but it might show fingerprints and smudges more prominently.

Does Brushed Stainless Steel show water spots easily?

It can, especially if water is left to dry on the surface.

Are there significant cost differences between the two?

Costs can vary based on the application, but generally, the prices might be similar, with specific finishes or treatments affecting cost.

Which type of stainless steel is smoother to touch?

Polished Stainless Steel is smoother due to its buffed, reflective finish.

Is it easier to clean Polished Stainless Steel?

Yes, its smooth surface makes it easier to wipe clean, though it might show smudges more.

Which finish is better for outdoor use?

Both can be used outdoors, but polished might offer better corrosion resistance.

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Tayyaba Rehman
Tayyaba Rehman is a distinguished writer, currently serving as a primary contributor to As a researcher in semantics and etymology, Tayyaba's passion for the complexity of languages and their distinctions has found a perfect home on the platform. Tayyaba delves into the intricacies of language, distinguishing between commonly confused words and phrases, thereby providing clarity for readers worldwide.

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