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Bridal vs. Bridle — What's the Difference?

By Tayyaba Rehman — Updated on September 30, 2023
Bridal relates to a bride or a wedding, e.g., bridal gown. Bridle is a piece of equipment, usually made of leather, used to control a horse, e.g., horse bridle. They differ in meaning, context, and use.
Bridal vs. Bridle — What's the Difference?

Difference Between Bridal and Bridle


Key Differences

Bridal is an adjective that is primarily associated with anything related to a bride or to weddings, symbolizing love, union, and celebration. It is used to describe items, events, or aspects specifically linked to weddings, such as bridal gowns or bridal showers. In contrast, Bridle is a noun, denoting a piece of equipment, typically made of leather and metal, used to direct or control a horse. It represents restraint, control, and guidance, essential for managing horses effectively.
Bridal illustrates the elegance, joy, and tradition encompassed within wedding celebrations. It is emblematic of the romance and happiness that weddings signify, giving a special touch to everything associated with brides, from attire to accessories. Bridle, however, symbolizes the practical and functional aspects of handling horses. It’s essential for riders to communicate with and manage the movements of the horse, ensuring safety and control during riding.
Bridal expressions like "bridal suite" or "bridal party" are rich with connotations of happiness, celebration, and matrimonial bliss, contributing to the festive and joyful atmosphere of weddings. They add a layer of specificity and importance to the wedding elements, emphasizing the central role of the bride in the celebrations. On the other hand, the term bridle is steeped in equestrian terminology, reflecting the crucial role it plays in equine management, a vital tool for riders to guide horses and maintain balance and direction.
In literature and popular culture, bridal imagery often invokes themes of love, commitment, and new beginnings, symbolizing the start of a new chapter in life. It is evocative of the beauty, excitement, and anticipation surrounding weddings. Conversely, the bridle is depicted as a symbol of restraint and direction, often used metaphorically to represent control and guidance, crucial for navigating paths and journeys, both literally and figuratively.
While bridal and bridle may sound similar, they represent entirely different concepts—one depicting the joy and celebration of marital union and the other symbolizing control and direction in equestrian endeavors. Their usage, context, and meanings are distinct, each adding a unique flavor to the language by conveying diverse imagery and symbolism.

Comparison Chart


Related to bride or wedding
Equipment to control a horse

Part of Speech



Weddings, celebrations
Equestrian, horse riding


Love, union, celebration
Restraint, control, guidance


To describe items, events related to weddings
To describe equipment used for managing horses

Compare with Definitions


Bridal pertains to items or aspects specifically associated with weddings.
The bridal gown was meticulously designed with intricate details.


Bridle is essential for managing the movements of horses and maintaining balance during riding.
A well-fitted bridle is crucial for effective communication between the rider and the horse.


Bridal is an adjective referring to anything related to a bride or wedding.
The bridal bouquet was filled with vibrant, fragrant flowers.


Bridle is a piece of equipment, usually of leather, used to control a horse.
The rider adjusted the bridle to ensure the horse’s comfort.


Bridal symbolizes the elegance and joy encompassed within wedding celebrations.
The bridal party danced joyously throughout the night.


Bridle represents restraint, direction, and guidance in equestrian terminology.
The bridle helps in guiding the horse in the desired direction.


Bridal invokes themes of love, commitment, and new beginnings in literature and culture.
Bridal imagery is often used to depict the union of two souls.


Bridle is often used metaphorically to depict control and direction.
He learned to bridle his temper and listen patiently.


Bridal illustrates the tradition and romance represented in matrimonial ceremonies.
Bridal traditions vary significantly across different cultures.


A bridle is a piece of equipment used to direct a horse. As defined in the Oxford English Dictionary, the "bridle" includes both the headstall that holds a bit that goes in the mouth of a horse, and the reins that are attached to the bit.


Of or concerning a bride or a newly married couple
The bridal party came out into the church porch
Her white bridal gown


The headgear used to control a horse, consisting of buckled straps to which a bit and reins are attached
Grooms came at once to take the bridles


A marriage ceremony; a wedding.


Put a bridle on (a horse)
Five horses, saddled and bridled, were tied by the reins to branches of trees


Of or relating to a bride or a marriage ceremony; nuptial.


Show one's resentment or anger, especially by throwing up one's head and drawing in one's chin
She bridled at his tone


Designed for a bride or a newly married couple
A bridal shop.
The hotel's bridal suite.


A harness, consisting of a headstall, bit, and reins, fitted about a horse's head and used to restrain or guide the animal.


(archaic) A wedding feast or festival; a wedding.


A curb or check
Put a bridle on spending.


Of or pertaining to a bride, or to wedding; nuptial.
Bridal ornaments; a bridal outfit; a bridal chamber


(Nautical) A span of chain, wire, or rope that can be secured at both ends to an object and slung from its center point.


Of or pertaining to a bride, or to wedding; nuptial; as, bridal ornaments; a bridal outfit; a bridal chamber.


To put a bridle on.


A nuptial festival or ceremony; a marriage.
Sweet day, so cool, so calm, so bright,The bridal of the earth and sky.


To control or restrain
Could not bridle his excitement at the news.


Archaic terms for a wedding or wedding feast


To lift the head and draw in the chin in anger or resentment.


Of or relating to a wedding;
Bridal procession
Nuptial day
Spousal rites
Wedding cake
Marriage vows


To be angry or resentful; take offense
Bridling at the criticism.


Designed for a bride;
Bridal gown


The headgear with which a horse is directed and which carries a bit and reins.


(figurative) A restraint; a curb; a check.


A length of line or cable attached to two parts of something to spread the force of a pull, as the rigging on a kite for attaching line.


A mooring hawser.


A piece in the interior of a gunlock which holds in place the tumbler, sear, etc.


A gesture expressing pride or vanity.


(transitive) To put a bridle on.


(transitive) To check, restrain, or control with, or as if with, a bridle; as in bridle your tongue.


(intransitive) To show hostility or resentment.
Immigrant-rights and religious organizations bridled at the plan to favor highly skilled workers over relatives. (Houston Chronicle, 6/8/2007)


(intransitive) To hold up one's head proudly or affectedly.


The head gear with which a horse is governed and restrained, consisting of a headstall, a bit, and reins, with other appendages.


A restraint; a curb; a check.


The piece in the interior of a gun lock, which holds in place the tumbler, sear, etc.


A span of rope, line, or chain made fast as both ends, so that another rope, line, or chain may be attached to its middle.


To put a bridle upon; to equip with a bridle; as, to bridle a horse.
He bridled her mouth with a silkweed twist.


To restrain, guide, or govern, with, or as with, a bridle; to check, curb, or control; as, to bridle the passions; to bridle a muse.
Savoy and Nice, the keys of Italy, and the citadel in her hands to bridle Switzerland, are in that consolidation.


To hold up the head, and draw in the chin, as an expression of pride, scorn, or resentment; to assume a lofty manner; - usually with up.
By her bridling up I perceived she expected to be treated hereafter not as Jenny Distaff, but Mrs. Tranquillus.


Headgear for a horse; includes a headstall and bit and reins to give the rider or driver control


The act of restraining power or action or limiting excess;
His common sense is a bridle to his quick temper


Put a bridle on;
Bridle horses


Respond to the reins, as of horses


Bridle, typically combined with a bit and reins, is vital for navigating and controlling horses.
A gentle pull on the bridle is usually enough to command the horse to stop.

Common Curiosities

What does Bridal refer to?

Bridal refers to anything related to a bride or to a wedding, such as bridal gown or bridal shower.

Can Bridal be used to describe things associated with weddings, like accessories?

Absolutely, bridal can describe any item or aspect related to weddings, including accessories, events, and attire.

Does Bridal relate to specific cultural or traditional aspects of weddings?

Yes, bridal can encompass various cultural and traditional aspects, reflecting the diversity of wedding practices globally.

Is Bridle used for animals other than horses?

While predominantly associated with horses, variations of bridles can be used for other animals like camels.

Is Bridal used as an adjective or a noun?

Bridal is primarily used as an adjective to describe things related to weddings.

Is Bridal used in conjunction with other words to describe wedding-related items?

Yes, bridal is commonly combined with other words, e.g., bridal gown, bridal suite, to specify wedding-related items or events.

Is the proper fit of a Bridle important for horse riding?

Absolutely, a properly fitted bridle is essential for the comfort of the horse and effective communication between horse and rider.

What is the purpose of a Bridle?

A Bridle is used to control and guide a horse by applying pressure on its head.

How is a Bridle typically constructed?

A bridle is typically made of leather and includes components like a bit and reins to control the horse.

Can Bridal refer to events related to weddings?

Yes, bridal is often used to describe events related to weddings, such as bridal showers or bridal dinners.

Can the term Bridle be used metaphorically?

Yes, bridle can metaphorically represent restraining or controlling emotions or actions, as in “bridling one’s anger.”

How does the Bridle work in controlling a horse?

The bridle works by applying pressure on the horse’s head, nose, or mouth, allowing the rider to communicate directions.

Can Bridal symbolize happiness and celebration?

Indeed, bridal often symbolizes the joy, love, and celebratory essence associated with weddings.

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Tayyaba Rehman
Tayyaba Rehman is a distinguished writer, currently serving as a primary contributor to As a researcher in semantics and etymology, Tayyaba's passion for the complexity of languages and their distinctions has found a perfect home on the platform. Tayyaba delves into the intricacies of language, distinguishing between commonly confused words and phrases, thereby providing clarity for readers worldwide.

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