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Bibliography vs. Biography — What's the Difference?

Edited by Tayyaba Rehman — By Fiza Rafique — Updated on September 26, 2023
Bibliography is a list of sources or references used in a written work, such as a book or research paper. Biography is an account of a person's life, typically in narrative form, detailing their experiences, achievements, and significant events.
Bibliography vs. Biography — What's the Difference?

Difference Between Bibliography and Biography


Key Differences

Bibliography: A list or compilation. Biography: A narrative or account.
Bibliography: Contains details of sources referenced in a work. Biography: Presents a person's life story and experiences.
Bibliography: Structured as a list, often with author names, titles, and publication details. Biography: Presented as a chronological or thematic narrative.

Compare with Definitions


A section at the end of a book listing sources.
Check the book's bibliography for further reading.


A literary genre focused on real-life narratives.
Many biographies offer insights into historical figures.


A list of sources cited in a research paper.
The bibliography includes books, articles, and online resources.


A detailed account of a person's life story.
The biography chronicles the accomplishments of a famous scientist.


A record of consulted sources for a thesis.
The annotated bibliography summarizes each source's content.


A book or work presenting a person's life history.
The biography reveals the leader's early influences.


A list of writings relating to a given subject
A bibliography of Latin American history.


A narrative that explores an individual's experiences.
This biography delves into the artist's creative journey.


Bibliography (from Ancient Greek: βιβλίον, romanized: biblion, lit. 'book' and -γραφία, -graphía, 'writing'), as a discipline, is traditionally the academic study of books as physical, cultural objects; in this sense, it is also known as bibliology (from Ancient Greek: -λογία, romanized: -logía). English author and bibliographer John Carter describes bibliography as a word having two senses: one, a list of books for further study or of works consulted by an author (or enumerative bibliography); the other one, applicable for collectors, is "the study of books as physical objects" and "the systematic description of books as objects" (or descriptive bibliography).


A genre that captures the essence of a person's life.
The biography highlights the struggles and triumphs of an inventor.


A list of the works of a specific author or publisher.


A biography, or simply bio, is a detailed description of a person's life. It involves more than just the basic facts like education, work, relationships, and death; it portrays a person's experience of these life events.


A list of writings used or considered by an author in preparing a particular work.


An account of a person's life written, composed, or produced by another
A film biography of Adlai Stevenson.
An oral biography.


The description and identification of the editions, dates of issue, authorship, and typography of books or other written material.


Biographies considered as a group, especially when regarded as a genre.


A compilation of such information.


The writing, composition, or production of biographies
A career entirely devoted to biography.


A section of a written work containing citations, not quotations, to all the books referred to in the work.


A person's life story, especially one published.
There are many biographies of Benjamin Franklin.


A list of books or documents relevant to a particular subject or author.


The art of writing this kind of story.


The study of the history of books in terms of their classification, printing and publication.


(transitive) To write a biography of.


A history or description of books and manuscripts, with notices of the different editions, the times when they were printed, etc.


The written history of a person's life.


A list of books or other printed works having some common theme, such as topic, period, author, or publisher.


Biographical writings in general.


A list of the published (and sometimes unpublished) sources of information referred to in a scholarly discourse or other text, or used as reference materials for its preparation.


An account of the series of events making up a person's life


The branch of library science dealing with the history and classification of books and other published materials.


A list of writings with time and place of publication (such as the writings of a single author or the works referred to in preparing a document etc.)


A compilation of references used in an academic essay.
Ensure your bibliography adheres to the citation style guide.


A tool for readers to locate cited materials.
The bibliography assists researchers in finding the original texts.

Common Curiosities

Can a bibliography include unpublished works or personal communications?

Yes, a bibliography can include a range of sources, including personal communications and unpublished materials.

Why is a bibliography important?

A bibliography enhances the credibility and research validity of a document by acknowledging and documenting the sources used.

Is there a specific format for creating a bibliography?

Yes, various citation styles (e.g., APA, MLA, Chicago) provide guidelines for formatting bibliographies.

Can a biography cover both the personal and professional life of a subject?

Yes, biographies often explore both personal and professional aspects of a person's life.

What is a bibliography?

A bibliography is a list of sources or references cited in a written work, aiding readers in locating and verifying those sources.

What types of sources can be included in a bibliography?

Sources in a bibliography can encompass books, articles, websites, interviews, and various scholarly materials.

What is the purpose of reading a biography?

Reading a biography provides insight into an individual's life, accomplishments, and the historical or cultural context in which they lived.

What is a biography?

A biography is a narrative account of a person's life, detailing their experiences, achievements, and significant events.

Are there different types of biographies?

Yes, biographies can vary in style and focus, including autobiographies (self-written), authorized biographies (approved by the subject), and more.

What distinguishes a biography from other forms of nonfiction literature?

A biography focuses specifically on the life and experiences of an individual, whereas other nonfiction genres may cover broader topics or themes.

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Fiza Rafique
Fiza Rafique is a skilled content writer at, where she meticulously refines and enhances written pieces. Drawing from her vast editorial expertise, Fiza ensures clarity, accuracy, and precision in every article. Passionate about language, she continually seeks to elevate the quality of content for readers worldwide.
Tayyaba Rehman is a distinguished writer, currently serving as a primary contributor to As a researcher in semantics and etymology, Tayyaba's passion for the complexity of languages and their distinctions has found a perfect home on the platform. Tayyaba delves into the intricacies of language, distinguishing between commonly confused words and phrases, thereby providing clarity for readers worldwide.

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