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Begin vs. Cbegin — What's the Difference?

By Tayyaba Rehman — Published on January 29, 2024
Begin returns an iterator to the start of a container; Cbegin returns a constant iterator, preventing modification of the container's elements.
Begin vs. Cbegin — What's the Difference?

Difference Between Begin and Cbegin


Key Differences

Begin is a function used in C++ to obtain an iterator pointing to the first element of a container like a vector, list, or array. Cbegin, on the other hand, serves a similar purpose but ensures the iterator is constant. This distinction is crucial in contexts where data integrity is important and accidental modification of the container's elements must be avoided.
The iterator returned by Begin can be used to modify the elements of the container it points to. This allows for flexible manipulation of the container's contents. Conversely, Cbegin's constant iterator is read-only, reinforcing safe programming practices by ensuring that the contents of the container cannot be altered through this iterator.
In terms of usage, Begin is often chosen when there is a need to change the values within the container. For example, if one needs to iterate over a vector and modify each element, Begin would be the appropriate choice. In contrast, Cbegin is preferred in scenarios where the container needs to be iterated over without the risk of altering its contents, such as when simply displaying the values.
Compatibility with const containers is another key difference. While Begin may cause issues or fail to compile when used with a const container, Cbegin is explicitly designed to handle such scenarios seamlessly, providing a constant iterator that respects the container's immutability.
In summary, the choice between Begin and Cbegin hinges on the intended use case: modification of elements or safe, read-only access. Understanding the distinction between these two functions is fundamental for effective and safe C++ programming.

Comparison Chart

Iterator Type


Modification Ability

Allows modification of elements
Disallows modification of elements

Use with const Containers

May cause issues
Seamlessly compatible


Less safe for read-only scenarios
Safer for read-only access

Typical Use Case

When elements need to be changed
When elements need to be accessed without the risk of changing them

Compare with Definitions


To come into existence; arise.
The idea began in his early teenage years.


Ensures the container's elements cannot be modified through the iterator.
Std::list::const_iterator cit = myList.cbegin();


To start speaking or explaining.
Let me begin by stating the project's goals.


Compatible with const containers for safe iteration.
Const std::array arr = {1, 2, 3, 4, 5}; auto ci = arr.cbegin();


To start; initiate something.
The ceremony will begin at noon.


Provides a way to start iterating over a container without changing its content.
DisplayVector(const std::vector& vec) { for(auto ci = vec.cbegin(); ci != vec.cend(); ++ci) {...} }


To embark on; enter into.
She began her career in law.


Returns a constant iterator to the beginning of a container.
Auto it = myVector.cbegin();


To originate; be the starting point.
The trail begins at the edge of the forest.


Facilitates read-only access from the start of a container.
For(auto i = c.cbegin(); i != c.cend(); ++i) {...}

Common Curiosities

Is Cbegin safe for const containers?

Yes, Cbegin is specifically designed for use with const containers.

What types of containers can use Begin and Cbegin?

They can be used with various C++ containers like vectors, lists, and arrays.

What does Cbegin do?

Cbegin returns a constant iterator to the start of a container, ensuring read-only access.

Can Cbegin prevent accidental modifications?

Yes, since it provides a constant iterator, it prevents accidental modifications.

How does Cbegin enhance code safety?

By providing read-only access, it ensures container contents are not inadvertently altered.

Does Cbegin change the container in any way?

No, Cbegin does not alter the container itself.

When should I prefer Begin over Cbegin?

Prefer Begin when you need to modify the container's elements.

What is a typical use case for Cbegin?

It's typically used when needing to iterate over a container without changing its contents.

Is there a performance difference between Begin and Cbegin?

Generally, no significant performance difference exists between them.

What is Begin in C++?

It's a function that returns an iterator to the beginning of a container.

Can Begin modify container elements?

Yes, Begin allows modification of the container's elements.

Are Begin and Cbegin interchangeable?

Not always, as their use depends on whether modification of the container's elements is required.

Can Begin be used with standard arrays?

Yes, Begin can be used with standard C++ arrays.

Are Begin and Cbegin available in all C++ versions?

Begin has been around for longer, but Cbegin was introduced in C++11.

Can I use Begin with a const container?

It's not recommended as it may cause compilation issues.

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Tayyaba Rehman
Tayyaba Rehman is a distinguished writer, currently serving as a primary contributor to As a researcher in semantics and etymology, Tayyaba's passion for the complexity of languages and their distinctions has found a perfect home on the platform. Tayyaba delves into the intricacies of language, distinguishing between commonly confused words and phrases, thereby providing clarity for readers worldwide.

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