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BCG Matrices vs. GE Matrices — What's the Difference?

By Tayyaba Rehman — Published on December 22, 2023
BCG Matrices categorize products based on market growth and market share, while GE Matrices evaluate business units using industry attractiveness and business unit strength.
BCG Matrices vs. GE Matrices — What's the Difference?

Difference Between BCG Matrices and GE Matrices


Key Differences

BCG Matrices, developed by the Boston Consulting Group, are strategic tools utilized for portfolio management, specifically for categorizing products into four quadrants based on their market growth rate and relative market share. On the other hand, GE Matrices, developed in collaboration by General Electric and McKinsey, serve a similar purpose but evaluate business units using two primary factors: industry attractiveness and the strength of the business unit within that industry.
In BCG Matrices, the products or business units are segmented into Stars, Cash Cows, Question Marks, and Dogs, with each quadrant offering distinct strategic insights and implications. In contrast, GE Matrices are more intricate, using a nine-cell grid that ranges from low to high on both axes, allowing for a more nuanced analysis and differentiation of business units.
While BCG Matrices emphasize the significance of market share and the potential for growth in determining business strategies, GE Matrices incorporate a broader set of factors under the umbrellas of industry attractiveness (like market size, growth rate, competitive intensity) and business strength (like brand equity, market share, and technological capability).
A notable feature of BCG Matrices is their simplicity and straightforward visual representation, which makes it easier to understand and communicate the strategic position of products. Conversely, GE Matrices offer a deeper, multifaceted evaluation, which might require a more thorough understanding but can provide a richer strategic perspective.
To summarize, while both BCG Matrices and GE Matrices aim to assist organizations in making strategic decisions about their portfolios, they employ different criteria and visual representations. BCG focuses on market dynamics, while GE delves into the intersection of market attractiveness and business capability.

Comparison Chart


Developed by Boston Consulting Group
Jointly developed by General Electric and McKinsey

Primary Factors

Market Growth Rate & Relative Market Share
Industry Attractiveness & Business Unit Strength


Stars, Cash Cows, Question Marks, Dogs
Nine-cell grid ranging from low to high on both axes


Simple, straightforward representation
More nuanced, offering in-depth analysis

Typical Use

Portfolio management, product categorization
Strategic business unit analysis and portfolio management

Compare with Definitions

BCG Matrices

BCG Matrices offer a visual representation of a product's market position.
By plotting products on BCG Matrices, managers can easily discern which products need attention.

GE Matrices

GE Matrices consider both market factors and business capabilities.
Utilizing GE Matrices, a company can balance the external market conditions with its inherent strengths.

BCG Matrices

BCG Matrices segment products into four distinct quadrants.
When visualizing a company's offerings on the BCG Matrices, the Stars and Cash Cows often become evident.

GE Matrices

GE Matrices bridge the gap between market attractiveness and business strength.
GE Matrices enable companies to see the interplay between external market opportunities and their competencies.

BCG Matrices

BCG Matrices help businesses allocate resources effectively.
Based on BCG Matrices insights, a company might decide to funnel more resources into Stars.

GE Matrices

GE Matrices offer a comprehensive strategic perspective.
Through detailed GE Matrices analysis, firms can craft nuanced strategies for each business unit.

BCG Matrices

BCG Matrices are strategic tools for categorizing products based on market dynamics.
Using BCG Matrices, companies can determine which products to invest in or divest.

GE Matrices

GE Matrices evaluate business units' potential and industry attractiveness.
A business unit with high industry attractiveness and strength would be positioned favorably on the GE Matrices.

BCG Matrices

BCG Matrices prioritize market share and growth potential.
Through BCG Matrices, a new product with high potential might be classified as a Question Mark.

GE Matrices

GE Matrices use a nine-cell grid for differentiation.
By employing GE Matrices, firms can see a gradient of their business units' positions instead of just four categories.

Common Curiosities

Can BCG Matrices be used for services too?

Yes, BCG Matrices can be adapted to categorize services in a similar manner to products.

What are BCG Matrices primarily used for?

BCG Matrices are used for portfolio management by categorizing products based on market growth and market share.

Why are there nine cells in GE Matrices?

GE Matrices offer a nuanced approach, allowing for a gradient of positions based on two axes: industry attractiveness and business strength.

Can GE Matrices be used for individual products?

While primarily designed for business units, GE Matrices can be adapted for product-level analysis with appropriate criteria.

Who developed the BCG Matrices?

Boston Consulting Group (BCG) developed the BCG Matrices.

How do companies typically act on Dogs in BCG Matrices?

Dogs, having low market share in low-growth markets, are often candidates for divestiture.

How do GE Matrices differ from BCG in categorization?

GE Matrices evaluate business units on industry attractiveness and business unit strength, using a more detailed nine-cell grid.

Which matrix is simpler to understand?

BCG Matrices, with its four quadrants, is generally simpler and more straightforward than GE Matrices.

Are BCG Matrices outdated?

While newer tools exist, BCG Matrices remain a foundational strategic tool for many businesses.

Who was behind the creation of GE Matrices?

GE Matrices were developed jointly by General Electric and McKinsey.

How detailed is the analysis required for GE Matrices?

GE Matrices demand a more in-depth analysis, considering multiple factors under industry attractiveness and business unit strength.

Is it necessary for a business to use both matrices?

No, but using both can provide complementary insights for strategic decision-making.

What are the primary categories in BCG Matrices?

Stars, Cash Cows, Question Marks, and Dogs.

How do BCG Matrices address market growth?

Market growth rate is one of the two primary axes in BCG Matrices, influencing product categorization.

In GE Matrices, what does "industry attractiveness" encompass?

It covers factors like market size, growth rate, competitive intensity, and more.

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Tayyaba Rehman
Tayyaba Rehman is a distinguished writer, currently serving as a primary contributor to As a researcher in semantics and etymology, Tayyaba's passion for the complexity of languages and their distinctions has found a perfect home on the platform. Tayyaba delves into the intricacies of language, distinguishing between commonly confused words and phrases, thereby providing clarity for readers worldwide.

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