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Badge vs. Pin — What's the Difference?

By Maham Liaqat & Urooj Arif — Updated on March 26, 2024
A badge signifies affiliation or achievement, while a pin is a decorative item or symbol worn for personal expression or identification.
Badge vs. Pin — What's the Difference?

Difference Between Badge and Pin


Key Differences

Badges are often associated with organizations, professions, or achievements, serving as a symbol of authority, membership, or accomplishment. They can be made of various materials, including metal, cloth, or plastic, and are designed to convey specific information, such as rank, role, or achievement. On the other hand, pins are primarily decorative items that can be worn on clothing or accessories to express personal interests, support causes, or identify with particular groups or ideas.
Badges often carry official significance and may be awarded or issued by specific organizations. They can be used to grant access to restricted areas or to identify individuals in specific roles. In contrast, pins are usually chosen by the individual wearer for personal reasons and do not typically convey official authority or membership. They are popular as fashion accessories, collectibles, or as a means to show support for social causes.
The manner of attachment for badges and pins can vary but often serves the same purpose: to temporarily affix the item to clothing or a piece of fabric. Badges might come with a pin, clip, or other fastening mechanism, while decorative pins usually have a sharp point that pierces through the fabric, secured by a backing.
While the terms "badge" and "pin" can sometimes be used interchangeably, especially when referring to items that straddle the line between identification and decoration, their primary distinctions lie in their intended purpose and the context in which they are worn. For instance, a pin may become a badge if it is used by an organization for identification purposes, and vice versa.
The cultural and emotional significance of badges and pins also differs. A badge often evokes pride and belonging to the wearer, as it is associated with being part of a group or achieving a specific milestone. Pins, while they can also foster a sense of belonging, especially when worn in solidarity for a cause, are more about personal expression and individual identity.

Comparison Chart


Signifies affiliation or achievement.
Worn for decoration or personal expression.


With organizations, professions, achievements.
Personal interests, causes, fashion.


Metal, cloth, plastic.
Metals, enamel, various materials.


Official authority or membership.
Personal choice, no official authority.


Pin, clip, other mechanisms.
Sharp point with a securing backing.

Compare with Definitions


A symbol of affiliation, authority, or achievement.
The firefighter wore his badge with pride at the ceremony.


A decorative item worn on clothing.
She collected enamel pins from every concert she attended.


Often used to indicate membership or rank.
The conference attendees wore badges to denote their status as speakers or guests.


Offers a way to personalize appearance.
His jacket was covered in pins that reflected his diverse interests.


Varies in form according to its purpose.
The digital badge on his profile confirmed his certification.


Can represent affiliation in a more casual context.
Fans of the show traded character pins at the convention.


Can grant access or privileges.
Her staff badge allowed her entry into the secured building.


Does not typically convey official status.
The pin on her bag was a symbol of her commitment to environmental activism.


Associated with pride and accomplishment.
Scouts earn badges as they master new skills.


Used for personal expression or solidarity.
Wearing a ribbon pin to show support for a cause.


A badge is a device or accessory, often containing the insignia of an organization, which is presented or displayed to indicate some feat of service, a special accomplishment, a symbol of authority granted by taking an oath (e.g., police and fire), a sign of legitimate employment or student status, or as a simple means of identification. They are also used in advertising, publicity, and for branding purposes.


A pin is a device used for fastening objects or material together, and can have three sorts of body: a shaft of a rigid inflexible material meant to be inserted in a slot, groove, or hole (as with pivots, hinges, and jigs); a shaft connected to a head and ending in a sharp tip meant to pierce one or more pieces of soft materials like cloth or paper (the straight or push pin); a single strip of a rigid but flexible material (e.g. a wire) whose length has been folded into parallel prongs in such fashion that the middle length of each curves towards the other so that, when anything is inserted between them, they act as a clamp (e.g.


A device or emblem worn as an insignia of rank, office, or membership in an organization.


An identifying number allocated to an individual by a bank or other organization and used for validating electronic transactions.


An emblem given as an award or honor.


Attach or fasten with a pin or pins
Her hair was pinned back
He pinned the badge on to his lapel


A characteristic mark or indicative trait
“Indifference to what others think is ... the badge of the aristocrat” (Elspeth Huxley).


Hold (someone) firmly in a specified position so they are unable to move
Richards pinned him down until the police arrived
She was standing pinned against the door


A distinctive mark, token, sign, emblem or cognizance, worn on one's clothing, as an insignia of some rank, or of the membership of an organization.
The badge of a society; the badge of a policeman


Hinder or prevent (a piece or pawn) from moving because of the danger to a more valuable piece standing behind it along the line of an attack
The black rook on e4 is pinned


A small nameplate, identifying the wearer, and often giving additional information.


A short, straight, stiff piece of wire with a blunt head and a sharp point, used especially for fastening.


A card, sometimes with a barcode or magnetic strip, granting access to a certain area.


Something, such as a safety pin, that resembles such a piece of wire in shape or use.


Something characteristic; a mark; a token.


A whit; a jot
Didn't care a pin about the matter.


A brand on the hand of a thief, etc.


A thin rod for securing the ends of fractured bones.


(nautical) A carved ornament on the stern of a vessel, containing a window or the representation of one.


A peg for fixing the crown to the root of a tooth.


(heraldry) A distinctive mark worn by servants, retainers, and followers of royalty or nobility, who, being beneath the rank of gentlemen, have no right to armorial bearings.


A cotter pin.


(GUI) A small overlay on an icon that shows additional information about that item, such as the number of new alerts or messages.


The part of a key stem entering a lock.


An icon or emblem awarded to a user for some achievement.
When you have checked in to the site from ten different cities, you unlock the Traveller badge.


(Music) One of the pegs securing the strings and regulating their tension on a stringed instrument.


(slang) A police officer.
That's why every badge back home wanted to nail him.


(Nautical) A belaying pin.


(transitive) To mark or distinguish with a badge.
The television was badged as 'GE', but wasn't made by them.


(Nautical) A thole pin.


(transitive) To show a badge to.
He calmed down a lot when the policeman badged him.


An ornament fastened to clothing by means of a clasp.


(ambitransitive) To enter a restricted area by showing one's badge.


A rolling pin.


A distinctive mark, token, sign, or cognizance, worn on the person; as, the badge of a society; the badge of a policeman.


One of the wooden clubs at which the ball is aimed in bowling.


Something characteristic; a mark; a token.
Sweet mercy is nobility's true badge.


A flagstick.


A carved ornament on the stern of a vessel, containing a window or the representation of one.


See fall.


To mark or distinguish with a badge.


Pins(Informal) The legs
Is steady on his pins.


An emblem (a small piece of plastic or cloth or metal) that signifies your status (rank or membership or affiliation etc.);
They checked everyone's badge before letting them in


(Electronics) A lead on a device that plugs into a socket to connect the device to a system.


Any feature that is regarded as a sign of status (a particular power or quality or rank);
Wearing a tie was regarded as a badge of respectability


Any of the pegs on the platen of a printer, which engage holes at the edges of paper.


Put a badge on;
The workers here must be badged


Any of the styluses that form a dot matrix on a printer.


Any of the small metal prongs at the end of a connector that fit into the holes in a port.


To fasten or secure with or as if with a pin or pins.


To transfix.


To place in a position of trusting dependence
He pinned his faith on an absurdity.


To hold fast; immobilize
He was pinned under the wreckage of the truck.


(Sports) To win a fall from in wrestling.


To give (a woman) a fraternity pin in token of attachment.


Having a grain suggestive of the heads of pins. Used of leather.


A needle without an eye (usually) made of drawn-out steel wire with one end sharpened and the other flattened or rounded into a head, used for fastening.


A small nail with a head and a sharp point.


A cylinder often of wood or metal used to fasten or as a bearing between two parts.
Pull the pin out of the grenade before throwing it at the enemy.


The victory condition of holding the opponent's shoulders on the wrestling mat for a prescribed period of time.


A slender object specially designed for use in a specific game or sport, such as skittles or bowling.


A leg.
I'm not so good on my pins these days.


(electricity) Any of the individual connecting elements of a multipole electrical connector.
The UK standard connector for domestic mains electricity has three pins.


A piece of jewellery that is attached to clothing with a pin.


(US) A simple accessory that can be attached to clothing with a pin or fastener, often round and bearing a design, logo or message, and used for decoration, identification or to show political affiliation, etc.


(chess) Either a scenario in which moving a lesser piece to escape from attack would expose a more valuable piece to being taken instead, or one where moving a piece is impossible as it would place the king in check.


(golf) The flagstick: the flag-bearing pole which marks the location of a hole


(curling) The spot at the exact centre of the house (the target area)
The shot landed right on the pin.


(archery) The spot at the exact centre of the target, originally a literal pin that fastened the target in place.


(obsolete) A mood, a state of being.


One of a row of pegs in the side of an ancient drinking cup to mark how much each person should drink.




A thing of small value; a trifle.


A peg in musical instruments for increasing or relaxing the tension of the strings.


(engineering) A short shaft, sometimes forming a bolt, a part of which serves as a journal.


The tenon of a dovetail joint.


A size of brewery cask, equal to half a firkin, or eighth of a barrel.


(informal) A pinball machine.
I spent most of my time in the arcade playing pins.


(locksmithing) A small cylindrical object which blocks the rotation of a pin-tumbler lock when the incorrect key is inserted.


(often followed by a preposition such as "to" or "on") To fasten or attach (something) with a pin.


To cause (a piece) to be in a pin.


(wrestling) To pin down (someone).
He pinned his opponent on the mat.


To enclose; to confine; to pen; to pound.


To attach (an icon, application, message etc.) to another item so that it persists.
To pin a folder to the taskbar


To fix (an array in memory, a security certificate, etc.) so that it cannot be modified.
When marshaling data, the interop marshaler can copy or pin the data being marshaled.




(transitive) To cause an analog gauge to reach the stop pin at the high end of the range.


To peen.


To inclose; to confine; to pen; to pound.


To fasten with, or as with, a pin; to join; as, to pin a garment; to pin boards together.


A piece of wood, metal, etc., generally cylindrical, used for fastening separate articles together, or as a support by which one article may be suspended from another; a peg; a bolt.
With pins of adamantAnd chains they made all fast.


Especially, a small, pointed and headed piece of brass or other wire (commonly tinned), largely used for fastening clothes, attaching papers, etc.


Hence, a thing of small value; a trifle.
He . . . did not care a pin for her.


That which resembles a pin in its form or use


One of a row of pegs in the side of an ancient drinking cup to mark how much each man should drink.


The bull's eye, or center, of a target; hence, the center.


Mood; humor.


Caligo. See Caligo.


An ornament, as a brooch or badge, fastened to the clothing by a pin; as, a Masonic pin.


The leg; as, to knock one off his pins.


A piece of jewelry that is pinned onto the wearer's garment


When a wrestler's shoulders are forced to the mat


Small markers inserted into a surface to mark scores or define locations etc.


A number you choose and use to gain access to various accounts


Informal terms of the leg;
Fever left him weak on his sticks


Axis consisting of a short shaft that supports something that turns


Cylindrical tumblers consisting of two parts that are held in place by springs; when they are aligned with a key the bolt can be thrown


Flagpole used to mark the position of the hole on a golf green


A small slender (often pointed) piece of wood or metal used to support or fasten or attach things


A holder attached to the gunwale of a boat that holds the oar in place and acts as a fulcrum for rowing


A club-shaped wooden object used in bowling; set up in groups as a target


To hold fast or prevent from moving;
The child was pinned under the fallen tree


Attach or fasten with pins


Pierce with a pin;
Pin down the butterfly


Immobilize a piece

Common Curiosities

Can a pin be considered a badge?

In some contexts, yes. If a pin is used by an organization for identification or to signify achievement, it can function as a badge.

How do you wear a badge or pin?

Both are typically worn on the chest area of clothing, attached via a pin, clip, or other mechanism, depending on their design.

Can anyone wear a pin?

Yes, pins are chosen and worn based on personal preference and do not require affiliation with an organization or specific achievement.

Do badges and pins have different legal implications?

Yes, wearing a badge without authorization, especially if it represents an official position or authority (like a police badge), can have legal implications. Pins, being for personal expression, do not carry the same legal weight.

Are all badges made of metal?

No, badges can be made from a variety of materials, including metal, plastic, cloth, or even digital formats.

Is there a difference in how badges and pins are made?

The manufacturing process can vary widely depending on the material and complexity of the design, but both involve crafting a design into a durable form that can be attached to clothing.

Are badges only issued by organizations?

Mostly, yes. Badges are usually issued by organizations to signify membership, authority, or achievement.

Can wearing a pin have social implications?

Yes, wearing a pin, especially one associated with a social cause or movement, can express solidarity or support and carry social significance.

How do organizations decide who gets a badge?

Organizations typically have criteria for issuing badges, such as rank, role, achievement, or membership.

Why do people collect pins?

Pin collecting can be a hobby for many, offering a way to remember experiences, show interests, or connect with others who have similar passions.

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Written by
Maham Liaqat
Co-written by
Urooj Arif
Urooj is a skilled content writer at Ask Difference, known for her exceptional ability to simplify complex topics into engaging and informative content. With a passion for research and a flair for clear, concise writing, she consistently delivers articles that resonate with our diverse audience.

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