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Autograph vs. Autogram — What's the Difference?

Edited by Tayyaba Rehman — By Urooj Arif — Updated on April 30, 2024
An autograph refers to a handwritten signature, often of a famous person, collected for its sentimental value; an autogram is a less commonly used term for an autograph or an automatically generated signature.
Autograph vs. Autogram — What's the Difference?

Difference Between Autograph and Autogram


Key Differences

An autograph is typically a handwritten signature or dedication made by a celebrity or renowned individual, valued for its authenticity and personal touch. On the other hand, an autogram, though sometimes used interchangeably with autograph, can also refer to an automatically generated signature, differing in the method of creation.
An autograph is collected by fans and often found on memorabilia, photographs, or books, reflecting a personal connection with the signer. Whereas, autograms may not carry the same level of personal sentiment, as they can be produced en masse through mechanical means.
Autographs can sometimes increase the value of an item due to their rarity and the fame of the signer. On the other hand, autograms lack this aspect of uniqueness and personalization, which can affect their perceived value.
The pursuit of autographs is a popular hobby known as autograph collecting, where enthusiasts seek signatures from various celebrities and historical figures. Meanwhile, autogram collecting does not have a similar following, primarily because autograms are not seen as unique artifacts.
Autographs are often authenticated by experts to verify their legitimacy, making them highly sought after in the collectibles market. Conversely, autograms, being less personalized, rarely require authentication and are generally less coveted.

Comparison Chart


A handwritten signature.
An autograph or automatic signature.


By hand by the individual.
May be mechanically generated.


Highly collectible and personal.
Less personal, often not collected.


Can increase the value of an item.
Less likely to add value.


Often requires authentication.
Seldom requires authentication.

Compare with Definitions


A manuscript in the author's handwriting.
The museum exhibited the original autograph of the historical document.


An autograph or a mechanically reproduced signature.
The celebrity used a machine to create an autogram for fans at the large event.


A signed photograph, especially of a celebrity.
Her collection of celebrity autographs included a rare, signed photo from the 1950s.


An automatically generated graphical representation.
The software created an autogram of the singer's signature.


A personal dedication written by the author or artist.
The poet's autograph on the inside cover made the gift even more special.


A term rarely used in popular language.
Few people at the convention understood what he meant by autogram.


A signature, especially that of a celebrity written as a memento.
The fan proudly displayed her bookshelf, adorned with books bearing the autograph of every attending author.


Another term used interchangeably with autograph, but less commonly.
He asked the author for an autogram after the lecture.


A personal mark or sign made to signify consent or approval.
He left his autograph on the agreement, sealing the deal.


A signature designed to be replicated automatically.
The company’s CEO used an autogram for signing mass correspondence.


An autograph is a person's own handwriting or signature. The word autograph comes from Ancient Greek (αὐτός, autós, "self" and γράφω, gráphō, "write"), and can mean more specifically: a manuscript written by the author of its content.


An autogram (Ancient Greek: αὐτός = self, γράμμα = letter) is a sentence that describes itself in the sense of providing an inventory of its own characters. They were invented by Lee Sallows, who also coined the word autogram.


A signature, especially that of a celebrity written as a memento for an admirer
Fans surged around the car asking for autographs


A sentence that describes itself, in the sense of providing an inventory of its own characters.


A manuscript or musical score in an author's or musician's own handwriting
The earliest version of the work is possibly an autograph


Write one's signature on (something); sign
The whole team autographed a shirt for him


Written in the author's own handwriting
An autograph manuscript


A person's own signature, especially considered as a collector's item.


A person's own handwriting.


A manuscript in the author's handwriting.


To write one's name or signature on or in; sign
The actor autographed a picture of himself.


To write in one's own handwriting.


Written in the writer's own handwriting
An autograph letter.


A person’s own handwriting, especially the signature of a famous or admired person.
Some autograph-hunters were pestering the players after the game.


A person's signature used as a mark of formal approval.
If you could just put your autograph on the ol' contract, please...


A manuscript in the author’s handwriting.


Written in the author’s own handwriting.


(art) Made by the artist himself or herself; authentic.


(transitive) To sign, or write one’s name or signature on a book etc


(transitive) To write something in one's own handwriting


That which is written with one's own hand; an original manuscript; a person's own signature or handwriting.


In one's own handwriting; as, an autograph letter; an autograph will.


Something written by one's own hand


A person's own signature


Mark with one's signature;
The author autographed his book

Common Curiosities

Are autograms valuable?

Autograms generally hold less value compared to autographs because they lack personalization.

Can an autogram be manually created?

Typically, an autogram refers to a signature generated mechanically, not manually.

What is the main difference between an autograph and an autogram?

The main difference lies in the method of creation; autographs are manually signed, whereas autograms can be mechanically produced.

Is autogram collecting popular?

Unlike autograph collecting, collecting autograms does not have a significant following.

What is an autograph?

An autograph is a handwritten signature or message often written by a famous person.

What types of items are commonly autographed?

Items like books, photographs, and memorabilia are commonly autographed.

How do you verify the authenticity of an autograph?

Verification typically involves expert analysis and comparison to known authentic signatures.

Why do people collect autographs?

People collect autographs for their sentimental value and as a hobby, often due to the fame of the individual.

Do autographs increase the value of items?

Yes, autographs can significantly increase the value of items, especially if the signer is famous.

What is an autogram?

An autogram can refer to an autograph or a signature that is automatically produced.

How are autographs authenticated?

Autographs are authenticated through expert examination to verify the signature’s legitimacy.

Can autograms be considered unique?

No, since autograms can be reproduced mechanically, they are not considered unique.

Are there famous collectors of autographs?

Yes, there are many collectors, some of whom are quite renowned for their extensive collections.

What makes an autograph valuable?

The value of an autograph depends on the fame of the signer, the rarity of the signature, and its condition.

Where can one obtain autographs?

Autographs are often obtained at public appearances, events, or through autograph dealers.

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Written by
Urooj Arif
Urooj is a skilled content writer at Ask Difference, known for her exceptional ability to simplify complex topics into engaging and informative content. With a passion for research and a flair for clear, concise writing, she consistently delivers articles that resonate with our diverse audience.
Tayyaba Rehman is a distinguished writer, currently serving as a primary contributor to As a researcher in semantics and etymology, Tayyaba's passion for the complexity of languages and their distinctions has found a perfect home on the platform. Tayyaba delves into the intricacies of language, distinguishing between commonly confused words and phrases, thereby providing clarity for readers worldwide.

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