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Atelectasis vs. Emphysema — What's the Difference?

By Tayyaba Rehman — Updated on December 30, 2023
Atelectasis is the collapse of part or all of a lung, while emphysema involves the damage and enlargement of air sacs in the lungs, leading to breathlessness.
Atelectasis vs. Emphysema — What's the Difference?

Difference Between Atelectasis and Emphysema


Key Differences

Atelectasis is a condition where part or the entire lung collapses due to blocked air passages or pressure on the outside of the lung. Emphysema, on the other hand, is a chronic lung condition where the alveoli (air sacs) in the lungs are damaged, leading to difficulty breathing.
In atelectasis, the main issue is the lack of air in the lung's alveoli, causing parts of the lung to deflate. Emphysema, however, is characterized by the overinflation of the alveoli, which eventually lose their shape and become less efficient in oxygen exchange.
The causes of atelectasis include respiratory blockages, such as mucus plugs, or pressure from a tumor or fluid. Emphysema is primarily caused by long-term exposure to irritants, particularly cigarette smoke.
Symptoms of atelectasis often include difficulty breathing, cough, and sometimes chest pain. Emphysema symptoms typically include shortness of breath, wheezing, and a chronic cough.
Treatment for atelectasis involves addressing the underlying cause and may include physical therapy to reopen collapsed lung tissue. Emphysema treatment focuses on managing symptoms and slowing disease progression, often involving inhalers and lifestyle changes.

Comparison Chart


Collapse of part or all of a lung
Damage and enlargement of air sacs in the lungs

Main Issue

Lack of air in lung alveoli
Overinflation and damage of lung alveoli


Blocked airways, pressure on lungs
Long-term exposure to irritants, especially smoke


Difficulty breathing, cough, chest pain
Shortness of breath, wheezing, chronic cough


Addressing cause, physical therapy
Managing symptoms, inhalers, lifestyle changes

Compare with Definitions


Partial or complete collapse of a lung or a section of a lung.
The patient's chest X-ray revealed atelectasis in the lower lobe.


A chronic lung condition that involves the destruction of the lungs' air sacs.
Emphysema makes it increasingly difficult for him to breathe.


A condition often caused by blockage of the air passages.
Mucus plugs can result in atelectasis post-surgery.


Caused primarily by long-term smoking or exposure to airborne irritants.
Years of smoking led to his development of emphysema.


The deflation of the alveoli resulting in reduced gas exchange.
Atelectasis can lead to inadequate oxygenation of the blood.


Characterized by shortness of breath and difficulty exhaling.
The main symptom of her emphysema is breathlessness.


Can occur due to external pressure on the lung.
The tumor was exerting pressure, causing atelectasis.


Part of the chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) group.
He was diagnosed with emphysema as part of his COPD.


Treatable through physiotherapy or surgical interventions.
Physiotherapy was effective in treating her atelectasis.


Treatable with medication, oxygen therapy, and lifestyle changes.
He manages his emphysema with inhalers and quitting smoking.


Atelectasis is the collapse or closure of a lung resulting in reduced or absent gas exchange. It is usually unilateral, affecting part or all of one lung.


A pathological condition of the lungs marked by an abnormal increase in the size of the air spaces, resulting in labored breathing and an increased susceptibility to infection. It can be caused by irreversible expansion of the alveoli or by the destruction of alveolar walls.


The absence of gas from all or part of the lung, due to failure of expansion of the alveoli.


An abnormal distension of body tissues caused by retention of air.


A congenital condition characterized by incomplete expansion of the lungs.


(pathology) An abnormal accumulation of air or other gas in tissues, most commonly the lungs.


(medicine) The collapse of a part of or the whole lung caused by inner factors rather than a pneumothorax.


(medicine) Pulmonary emphysema, a chronic lung disease, one type of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease.


Collapse of an expanded lung (especially in infants); also failure of pulmonary alveoli to expand at birth


A swelling produced by gas or air diffused in the cellular tissue.


An abnormal condition of the lungs marked by decreased respiratory function; associated with smoking or chronic bronchitis or old age

Common Curiosities

Are there different types of atelectasis?

Yes, including obstructive, compression, and passive atelectasis.

Is atelectasis a type of COPD?

No, atelectasis is a lung collapse, not a chronic obstructive condition like COPD.

Is smoking a risk factor for atelectasis?

Smoking can lead to conditions that might result in atelectasis, but it's a direct cause of emphysema.

What lifestyle changes can help manage emphysema?

Quitting smoking, regular exercise, and a healthy diet can help manage emphysema.

Can emphysema be cured?

There's no cure for emphysema, but treatments can manage its symptoms.

Can atelectasis be life-threatening?

In severe cases, it can be life-threatening, requiring immediate medical attention.

How is atelectasis diagnosed?

It's typically diagnosed with a chest X-ray or CT scan.

What is the main cause of atelectasis?

It's often caused by a blockage in the airways or by external pressure on the lung.

Can children develop atelectasis?

Yes, children can develop atelectasis, often due to respiratory infections.

Are inhalers effective for emphysema?

Inhalers can help manage symptoms and improve breathing in emphysema patients.

Is emphysema genetic?

Genetics can play a role, but lifestyle factors like smoking are more significant contributors.

What are the early signs of emphysema?

Early signs include shortness of breath, especially during physical activities.

Can air pollution cause emphysema?

Yes, long-term exposure to air pollution can contribute to the development of emphysema.

Can atelectasis lead to other complications?

Yes, it can lead to infections like pneumonia if not treated.

Can atelectasis resolve on its own?

Some mild cases may resolve without treatment, but others require medical intervention.

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Tayyaba Rehman
Tayyaba Rehman is a distinguished writer, currently serving as a primary contributor to As a researcher in semantics and etymology, Tayyaba's passion for the complexity of languages and their distinctions has found a perfect home on the platform. Tayyaba delves into the intricacies of language, distinguishing between commonly confused words and phrases, thereby providing clarity for readers worldwide.

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