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Artisanal vs. Industrial — What's the Difference?

By Tayyaba Rehman — Published on September 28, 2023
Artisanal refers to handcrafted, small-scale production, while Industrial denotes large-scale, mechanized manufacturing.
Artisanal vs. Industrial — What's the Difference?

Difference Between Artisanal and Industrial


Key Differences

Artisanal production emphasizes handcrafting and personal touch, whereas Industrial production focuses on mechanization and high-volume outputs.
Artisanal products often bear the unique traits of individual craftsmanship, differing slightly in each creation. In contrast, Industrial products ensure consistency through standardized processes.
An Artisanal approach often values tradition, craftsmanship, and the unique identity of each piece. Industrial methods prioritize efficiency, scalability, and mass production.
While Artisanal items may often be limited in quantity and potentially higher in price due to the detailed work involved, Industrial items benefit from economies of scale, often being more affordable and widely available.
The Artisanal process might lack the speed and predictability of the Industrial process, but it offers the allure of authenticity and character, aspects sometimes absent in mass-produced items.

Comparison Chart

Production Scale

Small-scale, often individual or family businesses.
Large-scale, often involving big corporations.

Production Method

Handcrafted with a personal touch.
Mechanized and standardized.

Product Consistency

Variations exist due to manual processes.
Highly consistent due to automation.

Quantity & Price

Limited quantities, potentially higher prices.
Mass-produced, often more affordable.

Value Proposition

Emphasizes authenticity, tradition, and craftsmanship.
Prioritizes efficiency, speed, and volume.

Compare with Definitions


Produced in limited quantities using traditional methods.
The village is known for its artisanal cheeses.


Characterized by large-scale, mechanized manufacturing.
Industrial production significantly increased the availability of goods.


Reflecting the skills of an artisan or craftsman.
The artisanal carpentry showcased intricate designs.


Relating to the characteristics of an industry or its workers.
Industrial safety regulations are strictly enforced.


Opposite of mass-produced; emphasizing quality and individuality.
Tourists loved buying the artisanal souvenirs from local markets.


Relating to industry or factories.
The industrial zone was bustling with activity.


Relating to handcrafted work or products.
The artisanal jewelry was unique and beautifully crafted.


Pertaining to industries and the goods they produce.
The country experienced an industrial boom post-reforms.


Relating to or made by an artisan.


Involving or resulting from industry.
The city's industrial growth led to significant urbanization.


Relating to or being a food or beverage made by hand or by traditional methods.


Of, relating to, or resulting from the manufacturing industry
Industrial development.
Industrial pollution.


Of or pertaining to artisans or the work of artisans.


Having a highly developed manufacturing industry
An industrial nation.


Involving skilled work, with comparatively little reliance on machinery.


Employed, required, or used in the manufacturing industry
Industrial workers.
Industrial diamonds.


(of an item, especially a foodstuff) Made by an artisan (skilled worker).


A company engaged in the manufacturing industry.


Pertaining to or characteristic of an artisan.
The festival celebrated artisanal crafts from various cultures.


A person employed in the manufacturing industry.


A style of rock music marked by harsh rhythms, little melody, and nihilistic lyrics.


Of or relating to industry, notably manufacturing.
The industrial segment of the economy has seen troubles lately.


Produced by such industry.
Handicraft is less standardized then industrial products, hence less artistic or rather flawless.


Used by such industry.


Suitable for use in such industry; industrial-grade.
This is an industrial product—it's much too strong for home use.


Massive in scale or quantity.


Employed as manpower by such industry.


(of a society or country) Having many industries; industrialized.
Italy is a part-industrial, part-rural nation.


(music) Belonging or pertaining to the genre of industrial music.
A track with clashing industrial beats


An employee in industry.


(business) An enterprise producing tangible goods or providing certain services to industrial companies.


(finance) A bond or stock issued by such a company.


(film) A film made for use within an industry, not for a movie-going audience.


(informal) industrial piercing


Consisting in industry; pertaining to industry, or the arts and products of industry; concerning those employed in labor, especially in manual labor, and their wages, duties, and rights.
The great ideas of industrial development and economic social amelioration.


Of or relating to or resulting from industry;
Industrial output


Having highly developed industries;
The industrial revolution
An industrial nation


Employed in industry;
Industrial workers
The industrial term in use among professional thieves


Employed in industry;
The industrial classes
Industrial work


Suitable to stand up to hard wear;
Industrial carpeting

Common Curiosities

Can a product be both artisanal and industrial?

While rare, some products might blend artisanal design elements with industrial manufacturing processes.

What characterizes artisanal production?

Artisanal production is characterized by handcrafted work, individual craftsmanship, and small-scale processes.

How does artisanal production impact product pricing?

Artisanal products, due to their detailed work and limited quantities, may often be priced higher than mass-produced items.

Can artisanal methods meet high demand?

Meeting high demand can be challenging for artisanal methods due to their limited-scale and detailed work.

Why might someone prefer artisanal goods?

People might value the authenticity, unique craftsmanship, and tradition associated with artisanal goods.

Do artisanal producers use any machinery?

Some might use basic machinery, but the emphasis remains on handcrafting and personal touch.

How does industrial differ from artisanal?

Industrial refers to large-scale, mechanized manufacturing, while artisanal emphasizes handcrafted, individual production.

Are industrial products always of lower quality than artisanal ones?

Not necessarily. While industrial products prioritize consistency, they can still maintain high quality.

Can industrial processes maintain environmental sustainability?

Yes, with the right practices, industrial processes can be eco-friendly and sustainable.

Which is more sustainable: artisanal or industrial?

It varies. While artisanal may use fewer resources, industrial can achieve efficiency and sustainable practices at scale.

Are artisanal goods always handmade?

Mostly yes, artisanal goods emphasize handcrafting, though some tools might assist in the process.

How has technology impacted industrial production?

Technology has greatly enhanced industrial efficiency, scalability, and quality through automation and innovation.

Why are industrial goods often more affordable?

Industrial goods benefit from economies of scale, reducing production costs per unit.

What's an example of an industrial product?

Common industrial products include cars, electronics, and packaged foods.

Is the artisanal approach losing relevance in the modern world?

No, while industrial methods dominate, there's still a significant market appreciating the authenticity and quality of artisanal goods.

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Written by
Tayyaba Rehman
Tayyaba Rehman is a distinguished writer, currently serving as a primary contributor to As a researcher in semantics and etymology, Tayyaba's passion for the complexity of languages and their distinctions has found a perfect home on the platform. Tayyaba delves into the intricacies of language, distinguishing between commonly confused words and phrases, thereby providing clarity for readers worldwide.

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