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Approx vs. Approximately — What's the Difference?

Edited by Tayyaba Rehman — By Urooj Arif — Updated on April 29, 2024
"Approx" is a shorter, more informal abbreviation of "approximately," which is typically used in more formal or detailed contexts.
Approx vs. Approximately — What's the Difference?

Difference Between Approx and Approximately


Key Differences

Approx is commonly used in casual conversations or in contexts where space is limited, such as in graphs or tables. Whereas "approximately" is preferred in academic or professional writing, reflecting a more formal tone.
In terms of usage, "approx" fits well in informal communications, quick notes, or digital communications like text messages. On the other hand, "approximately" is often found in scientific papers, detailed reports, or when precision is necessary despite being an estimate.
The abbreviation "approx" might be less clear to those unfamiliar with English abbreviations, potentially causing confusion. Whereas "approximately" is universally understood and leaves no room for ambiguity in its interpretation.
Speakers might choose "approx" for verbal discussions when brevity is key. In contrast, "approximately" is likely to be used in speeches or presentations at conferences where a formal register is maintained.
When instructing others, using "approx" could come across as less authoritative due to its informal nature, while using "approximately" could enhance the speaker's credibility by using standard language.

Comparison Chart





Usage Context

Casual, notes
Academic, reports


Potentially ambiguous

Perceived Authority


Compare with Definitions


Used to suggest that a number is not exact; rough calculation.
There were approx 50 people at the event.


Used in situations requiring a degree of formal precision.
Approximately 70% of the budget was used.


Often used in digital communication to save space.
Battery life is approx 10 hours.


Appears in formal communications and detailed documents.
You are required to respond approximately within 5 days.


Suitable for contexts where precision is less critical.
Start the meeting at approx 3 PM.


Preferred in scientific and technical writings.
The medicine should work in approximately 20 minutes.


Abbreviation for approximately, indicating an estimated figure.
The cost is approx $200.


Adverb indicating that a number or time is not exact but is close to the actual value.
The journey takes approximately 3 hours.


Common in informal writing or quick references.
See page approx 25 for details.


Conveys a higher degree of accuracy in estimates.
The population is approximately 1,000.


Approx is a caching proxy server for Debian archive files. It is an HTTP-based proxy server for Debian-style package archives.


Used to show that something is almost, but not completely, accurate or exact; roughly
A journey of approximately two hours


Alternative spelling of approx.


Almost exact or correct
The approximate time of the accident.


Alternative spelling of approx.


Very similar; closely resembling
Sketched an approximate likeness of the suspect.


(Botany) Close together but not united.


To come close to; be nearly the same as
This meat substitute approximates the real thing.


To bring near.


To bring together, as cut edges of tissue.


To come near or close, as in degree, nature, or quality.


Imprecise but close to in quantity or amount.
In every box of matches there are approximately 40 matchsticks.
Per 100
G of chocolate there is approximately 11.6
G of saturated fat.
...approximately 60 beats per minute.


With approximation; so as to approximate; nearly.


(of quantities) imprecise but fairly close to correct;
Lasted approximately an hour
In just about a minute
He's about 30 years old
I've had about all I can stand
We meet about once a month
Some forty people came
Weighs around a hundred pounds
Roughly $3,000
Holds 3 gallons, more or less
20 or so people were at the party

Common Curiosities

What does "approx" stand for?

"Approx" stands for "approximately," serving as its shorter, informal abbreviation.

Does "approximately" always imply a very close estimate?

Yes, "approximately" suggests a close estimate, though it acknowledges a small margin of error.

In what type of media is "approx" commonly found?

"Approx" is often seen in informal media, such as social media posts, text messages, and casual emails.

Can "approx" be used in legal documents?

It is not recommended; "approximately" is preferred in legal documents for clarity and formality.

How do dictionaries typically define "approx"?

Dictionaries define "approx" as an abbreviation of "approximately," indicating it should be used where abbreviations are appropriate.

How does the use of "approximately" impact the tone of a document?

Using "approximately" elevates the tone of a document, making it appear more formal and well-considered.

How do non-native English speakers perceive "approx"?

Non-native speakers might find "approx" confusing if they are not familiar with common English abbreviations.

Is there a difference in the usage of "approx" and "approximately" between British and American English?

The usage is largely the same, though "approx" may be slightly more common in informal American English contexts.

Is it acceptable to use "approx" in technical manuals?

No, it is better to use "approximately" in technical manuals to maintain a formal and precise tone.

What are the risks of using "approx" in academic presentations?

Using "approx" might be viewed as too informal and could undermine the perceived rigor of the presentation.

Can "approx" be considered unprofessional in business communications?

Yes, in formal business communications, "approximately" is preferred to maintain professionalism and clarity.

Is "approximately" used in everyday conversation?

Less frequently; people often use "about" or "around" in everyday speech for simplicity.

When is it crucial to use "approximately" instead of "approx"?

In any formal writing, detailed reporting, or when precision is crucial, "approximately" should be used.

Why might someone choose "approx" over "approximately" in a speech?

For brevity and ease of speaking, especially in less formal speeches or when addressing younger audiences.

Does the use of "approximately" affect the readability of a text?

It can increase the formality and complexity of a text, potentially affecting its readability depending on the audience.

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Written by
Urooj Arif
Urooj is a skilled content writer at Ask Difference, known for her exceptional ability to simplify complex topics into engaging and informative content. With a passion for research and a flair for clear, concise writing, she consistently delivers articles that resonate with our diverse audience.
Tayyaba Rehman is a distinguished writer, currently serving as a primary contributor to As a researcher in semantics and etymology, Tayyaba's passion for the complexity of languages and their distinctions has found a perfect home on the platform. Tayyaba delves into the intricacies of language, distinguishing between commonly confused words and phrases, thereby providing clarity for readers worldwide.

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