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Appointment Letter vs. Confirmation Letter — What's the Difference?

By Tayyaba Rehman — Published on December 17, 2023
An Appointment Letter initiates employment, while a Confirmation Letter affirms established employment status.
Appointment Letter vs. Confirmation Letter — What's the Difference?

Difference Between Appointment Letter and Confirmation Letter


Key Differences

An Appointment Letter is a formal document provided by an employer inviting a candidate to join an organization for a specific position. It outlines the terms of employment, including job responsibilities, salary, and benefits. In contrast, a Confirmation Letter is sent to an employee after they have completed their probation period at the company, confirming their continued employment and often finalizing the terms initially stated in the Appointment Letter.
In another light, an Appointment Letter serves as the official communication that a candidate has been selected for a role, containing details regarding the start date, working hours, and other relevant job details. Meanwhile, a Confirmation Letter serves to reaffirm an employee's status within the company, often signifying a successful performance during a probationary period and a sense of permanency in the role.
From a legal perspective, an Appointment Letter is important as it forms part of the contractual agreement between the employer and employee, stipulating the conditions of employment. On the other hand, a Confirmation Letter is equally important as it can serve as a legal document confirming the employee's job security and any changes to the terms of employment from the initial Appointment Letter.
Viewing it from the employee's journey, receiving an Appointment Letter is the first step, marking the beginning of their relationship with the employer. Receiving a Confirmation Letter is a subsequent phase, often bringing relief and a sense of accomplishment, as it typically indicates successful completion of the probationary terms initially outlined in the Appointment Letter.
In summary, while both documents are pivotal in the employment process, an Appointment Letter marks the commencement of employment with all the initial terms and conditions, whereas a Confirmation Letter is an affirmation of the employee's secured position in the company, post their initial performance assessment.

Comparison Chart


Initiates employment
Affirms secure employment


Before job commencement
After probation completion

Job Security

Conditional, has probation
Generally, more secured

Content Detail

Comprehensive job details
Updates or reaffirms details

Legal Weight

Forms employment contract
Confirms or adjusts contract

Compare with Definitions

Appointment Letter

An Appointment Letter is an official communication for job initiation.
Upon receiving her Appointment Letter, Jane was excited to start her new role.

Confirmation Letter

A Confirmation Letter signifies successful probation completion.
Post-probation, receiving the Confirmation Letter was a relief for Tina.

Appointment Letter

An Appointment Letter marks the start of the employer-employee relationship.
With his Appointment Letter in hand, Eric officially became part of the company.

Confirmation Letter

A Confirmation Letter is a validation of continued employment.
After his probation, Greg received a Confirmation Letter securing his position.

Appointment Letter

An Appointment Letter includes start dates and operational details.
In his Appointment Letter, the company specified Luis's start date and work hours.

Confirmation Letter

A Confirmation Letter reaffirms or updates the terms of employment.
Sara's Confirmation Letter included an updated benefits package.

Appointment Letter

An Appointment Letter specifies the job position and role.
The Appointment Letter clearly defined the scope of Carla's new managerial position.

Confirmation Letter

A Confirmation Letter denotes job security within the company.
With his Confirmation Letter, Bob felt a renewed sense of job security.

Appointment Letter

An Appointment Letter outlines the terms of employment.
The Appointment Letter detailed Mark's responsibilities and salary.

Confirmation Letter

A Confirmation Letter may revise initial job terms post-assessment.
Linda's Confirmation Letter came with a much-deserved salary increase.

Common Curiosities

Does an Appointment Letter guarantee permanent employment?

No, an Appointment Letter does not guarantee permanency; it's subject to the terms outlined, often including a probation period.

When is an Appointment Letter provided?

An Appointment Letter is provided when a candidate is selected for a job, before they officially start their duties.

What is an Appointment Letter?

An Appointment Letter is a formal notice issued by an employer inviting a candidate to accept a specific job position under outlined terms.

What details are included in an Appointment Letter?

An Appointment Letter includes job role, responsibilities, salary, benefits, start date, and sometimes, conditions for probation.

When should one expect a Confirmation Letter?

A Confirmation Letter is typically expected after the successful completion of the probationary period.

What does a Confirmation Letter signify for an employee’s status?

A Confirmation Letter signifies that the employee has secured their position in the company, often indicating satisfactory performance.

What is a Confirmation Letter?

A Confirmation Letter is a document provided by an employer confirming an individual’s continued employment after a probationary period.

Does a Confirmation Letter change the initial terms of employment?

A Confirmation Letter may reaffirm or update certain terms of employment, like salary or benefits, post the probationary period.

Can my employment still be terminated after receiving a Confirmation Letter?

Yes, employment can still be terminated per company policy and employment law, despite a Confirmation Letter.

Who issues the Appointment Letter?

The Appointment Letter is issued by the employer, often through the HR department.

Is an Appointment Letter legally binding?

Yes, an Appointment Letter serves as a contractual agreement between the employer and the employee.

Do I need to sign a Confirmation Letter?

It depends on company policy; some might require a signature for acknowledgment, others might not.

Can I negotiate the terms in my Appointment Letter?

Yes, the terms within an Appointment Letter are often negotiable before acceptance.

What happens if I don’t receive a Confirmation Letter post-probation?

Not receiving a Confirmation Letter may require direct communication with HR to clarify your employment status.

Are there legal implications for the employer not honoring the Confirmation Letter?

Yes, not honoring a Confirmation Letter can have legal implications, depending on the employment contract and local labor laws.

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Tayyaba Rehman
Tayyaba Rehman is a distinguished writer, currently serving as a primary contributor to As a researcher in semantics and etymology, Tayyaba's passion for the complexity of languages and their distinctions has found a perfect home on the platform. Tayyaba delves into the intricacies of language, distinguishing between commonly confused words and phrases, thereby providing clarity for readers worldwide.

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