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Animately vs. Animatedly — What's the Difference?

By Tayyaba Rehman — Published on October 30, 2023
"Animately" pertains to something having life or being alive, while "animatedly" describes an action performed with enthusiasm or vigor. Both relate to life and energy, but they serve different grammatical functions.
Animately vs. Animatedly — What's the Difference?

Difference Between Animately and Animatedly


Key Differences

"Animately" is an adjective that revolves around the concept of life. When something is described as animate, it suggests that it has life or exhibits qualities of living beings. Thus, "animately" as an adverb can describe actions or conditions reminiscent of living things. In contrast, "animatedly" is an adverb deriving from "animated," meaning full of life, vigor, or enthusiasm. When someone behaves animatedly, they are acting with a lively or energetic demeanor.
It's essential to recognize the structural difference between the two. "Animately" stems from "animate," an adjective, whereas "animatedly" stems from "animated," another adjective. This grammatical lineage shapes their respective uses. "Animately" would be used to describe something related to the essence of life or liveliness, while "animatedly" is specifically about the manner in which an action is done, that is, with enthusiasm or energy.
The nuances in their meanings can be better understood with context. Consider the difference between "The cells moved animately under the microscope" versus "She spoke animatedly about her research." The former suggests movement characteristic of life, while the latter indicates enthusiasm and energy in speech.
In summation, while both "animately" and "animatedly" connect to ideas of life and energy, they differ in application. "Animately" focuses on the state or quality reminiscent of living things, whereas "animatedly" emphasizes the vigor or enthusiasm with which an action is performed.

Comparison Chart

Primary Meaning

Having life or alive
With enthusiasm or vigor


From "animate"
From "animated"

Grammatical Function

Adverb from adjective "animate"
Adverb from adjective "animated"

Typical Use

Describes qualities of living things
Describes lively or energetic actions


"The leaves moved animately."
"He spoke animatedly."

Compare with Definitions


Alive or lively in nature.
The characters in the story acted animately.


Expressing energy or vivacity.
The children played animatedly in the park.


Displaying qualities of animate beings.
The figure was painted animately.


With passion or fervor.
They debated the subject animatedly.


With a semblance of life.
The puppet moved animately on stage.


In a lively or spirited manner.
He waved animatedly from the window.


In a manner reminiscent of living things.
The shadows danced animately on the wall.


With enthusiasm or excitement.
She discussed the topic animatedly.


Having characteristics of life.
The robot moved animately through the crowd.


With noticeable energy or excitement.
She narrated the story animatedly.


In an animate manner.


Filled with activity, vigor, or spirit; lively
An animated conversation.


Made or depicted using animation
Animated cartoons.


In an animated manner; with animation.


With animation.


In an animated manner;
They talked animatedly

Common Curiosities

Are "animately" and "animatedly" synonyms?

No, "animately" relates to being alive, while "animatedly" describes doing something with enthusiasm.

Can I use "animately" to describe someone speaking with passion?

"Animatedly" is more appropriate for that context.

Can I describe a lively conversation as "animately discussed"?

The term "animatedly discussed" would be more fitting.

Do both words derive from the same root?

Yes, both derive from "animate," meaning to give life to.

Can I describe someone's excited gestures as "animately"?

It's better to use "animatedly" in that context.

Are both adverbs?

Yes, both "animately" and "animatedly" are adverbs.

Is "animately" a common word in English?

It's less common than "animatedly" and is used in specific contexts.

Can objects be described as moving "animately"?

Yes, if they move in a way that resembles living things.

How do I use "animately" in a sentence?

Use "animately" when describing something with life-like qualities.

What's the adjective form of "animatedly"?

The adjective form is "animated."

Which word indicates more energy or enthusiasm in action?

"Animatedly" suggests more energy or enthusiasm.

Which word is more commonly used in everyday speech?

"Animatedly" is more commonly used.

Can "animately" describe something that's not technically alive?

Yes, if it exhibits life-like qualities or characteristics.

Do both words relate to the concept of life?

Yes, but "animately" directly pertains to life, while "animatedly" denotes liveliness or enthusiasm.

Can I describe a lively song as "animately composed"?

It's more accurate to describe it as "animatedly composed."

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Written by
Tayyaba Rehman
Tayyaba Rehman is a distinguished writer, currently serving as a primary contributor to As a researcher in semantics and etymology, Tayyaba's passion for the complexity of languages and their distinctions has found a perfect home on the platform. Tayyaba delves into the intricacies of language, distinguishing between commonly confused words and phrases, thereby providing clarity for readers worldwide.

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