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Aneroid Barometer vs. Mercury Barometer — What's the Difference?

Edited by Tayyaba Rehman — By Fiza Rafique — Published on December 19, 2023
Aneroid Barometer measures atmospheric pressure using a sealed chamber, while Mercury Barometer uses a column of mercury to measure pressure.
Aneroid Barometer vs. Mercury Barometer — What's the Difference?

Difference Between Aneroid Barometer and Mercury Barometer


Key Differences

The Aneroid Barometer and Mercury Barometer are two distinct instruments used to measure atmospheric pressure. The Aneroid Barometer operates without liquid. It employs a sealed, flexible chamber that contracts or expands with atmospheric pressure changes. When pressure changes, the chamber's movements are mechanically amplified and displayed on a dial, providing a pressure reading.
On the other hand, the Mercury Barometer uses a column of mercury in a tube to gauge atmospheric pressure. As atmospheric pressure changes, it affects the level of mercury in the tube. By measuring the height of the mercury column, one can determine the current atmospheric pressure. This device, due to its mercury content, requires careful handling.
Both the Aneroid Barometer and Mercury Barometer serve the same fundamental purpose – measuring atmospheric pressure – but they achieve this through different mechanisms. The Aneroid Barometer relies on the mechanical movements of its chamber, while the Mercury Barometer uses the fluctuation in mercury levels.
The Aneroid Barometer offers advantages in portability and safety since it contains no liquid mercury. In contrast, the Mercury Barometer, while being the older and more traditional method, offers high precision but comes with the challenges of handling mercury, which is toxic. Both devices have their merits and are used in various settings based on the specific requirements of the task at hand.
In summary, while both instruments measure atmospheric pressure, the Aneroid Barometer does so using a flexible chamber and mechanical components, whereas the Mercury Barometer employs a column of mercury whose height varies with pressure changes.

Comparison Chart


Sealed flexible chamber
Column of mercury

Use of Liquid

No liquid involved
Uses mercury


Generally safer due to no mercury
Requires caution due to toxic mercury


More portable
Less portable due to mercury content

Historical Usage

Newer design compared to mercury barometer
Traditional, older method of measuring pressure

Compare with Definitions

Aneroid Barometer

Displays pressure on a dial.
The needle on the Aneroid Barometer shifted, indicating a change in weather.

Mercury Barometer

Height of mercury indicates pressure.
The rise in the Mercury Barometer's column hinted at clear skies ahead.

Aneroid Barometer

Uses a sealed chamber for pressure measurements.
The hiker carried an Aneroid Barometer to monitor altitude.

Mercury Barometer

Uses a mercury column to measure atmospheric pressure.
The lab was equipped with a Mercury Barometer for precise readings.

Aneroid Barometer

Operates without liquid.
The advantage of an Aneroid Barometer is that there's no risk of spills.

Mercury Barometer

Requires careful handling due to toxic mercury.
Workers wore gloves while adjusting the Mercury Barometer.

Aneroid Barometer

Relies on mechanical movements for readings.
Technicians calibrated the Aneroid Barometer to ensure accuracy.

Mercury Barometer

Traditional method for pressure measurements.
The museum displayed a vintage Mercury Barometer from the 18th century.

Aneroid Barometer

Offers safety and portability.
Due to its compactness, the pilot chose the Aneroid Barometer for the journey.

Mercury Barometer

Less portable due to mercury content.
The station had a fixed Mercury Barometer for daily weather predictions.

Common Curiosities

Is the Aneroid Barometer liquid-based?

No, the Aneroid Barometer operates without any liquid.

What safety concerns are associated with the Mercury Barometer?

It contains toxic mercury, which requires careful handling.

How does an Aneroid Barometer measure pressure?

It uses a sealed, flexible chamber that changes shape with atmospheric pressure.

What does a Mercury Barometer use to measure pressure?

It employs a column of mercury whose height varies with pressure.

Which barometer is more portable?

The Aneroid Barometer, due to its lack of liquid mercury.

What's a key advantage of the Mercury Barometer?

It offers high precision in pressure measurements.

Can I carry a Mercury Barometer on a hike?

It's not advisable due to its fragility and mercury content.

What's the main component of an Aneroid Barometer?

A sealed flexible chamber that responds to pressure changes.

How do you read an Aneroid Barometer?

By observing the needle on its dial that indicates pressure.

How is pressure determined on a Mercury Barometer?

By measuring the height of the mercury column.

Which barometer type is older in design?

The Mercury Barometer is the traditional, older method.

Are Aneroid Barometers used in modern settings?

Yes, they're popular due to their portability and safety.

Are there alternatives to the Mercury Barometer?

Yes, besides the Aneroid Barometer, there are digital barometers and other types.

Why is mercury used in some barometers?

Mercury's density allows for accurate pressure readings.

Which barometer type is commonly used in weather stations?

Both types can be used, but the Aneroid Barometer is often preferred for its convenience.

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Fiza Rafique
Fiza Rafique is a skilled content writer at, where she meticulously refines and enhances written pieces. Drawing from her vast editorial expertise, Fiza ensures clarity, accuracy, and precision in every article. Passionate about language, she continually seeks to elevate the quality of content for readers worldwide.
Tayyaba Rehman is a distinguished writer, currently serving as a primary contributor to As a researcher in semantics and etymology, Tayyaba's passion for the complexity of languages and their distinctions has found a perfect home on the platform. Tayyaba delves into the intricacies of language, distinguishing between commonly confused words and phrases, thereby providing clarity for readers worldwide.

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