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Amp vs. Imp — What's the Difference?

By Urooj Arif & Maham Liaqat — Updated on March 28, 2024
Amp (Amplifier) increases the power of signals, crucial in audio and electronic systems, while Imp implies a small demon or mischievous child, rooted in folklore and behavior.
Amp vs. Imp — What's the Difference?

Difference Between Amp and Imp


Key Differences

Amp, short for amplifier, is a device that boosts the power, voltage, or current of a signal, primarily used in audio and electronic systems to enhance sound quality and signal strength. On the other hand, an Imp refers to a mythical creature often depicted as a small demon, associated with mischief and cunning, not tied to any physical device or technology.
Amps are integral to various technologies, including musical instruments, speakers, and broadcasting equipment, where they enrich sound fidelity by amplifying audio signals. Whereas Imps are figures of folklore and fantasy, commonly featured in stories, games, and movies, symbolizing trickery and misadventure, with no real-world application in technology.
The functionality of amps is measured in terms of power output, frequency response, and efficiency, indicating their ability to amplify signals without distortion. Imp, however, is characterized by its mischievous behavior and supernatural abilities, as described in legends and tales, without quantifiable metrics.
Amps are designed based on solid-state or vacuum tube technologies, each offering distinct sound characteristics and efficiencies, highlighting advancements in electronic engineering. Imps, in contrast, are rooted in ancient mythology and literature, reflecting cultural perceptions of mischief and the supernatural, without basis in modern science.
The development of amps involves electrical engineering and physics, constantly evolving with technology to achieve clearer, more powerful sound amplification. Imps are static in their conceptualization, originating from medieval folklore and unchanged in their portrayal as playful yet malevolent beings, illustrating the divergence between technological progress and mythological stasis.

Comparison Chart


A device that increases the power of a signal.
A small demon or mischievous child from folklore.

Primary Use

Enhancing sound quality in audio and electronic systems.
Featured in folklore and stories as a symbol of mischief.

Measurement Criteria

Power output, frequency response, efficiency.
Characterized by behavior and mythical abilities.

Technological Basis

Solid-state or vacuum tube technologies.
Rooted in ancient mythology and literature.


Constantly evolving with advancements in technology.
Static, based on medieval folklore without modern updates.

Compare with Definitions


A device for increasing the power of audio signals.
The guitarist connected his guitar to an amp to make his music audible to the entire crowd.


A small, mischievous demon from folklore.
The story described an imp causing havoc in the village.


Used to boost signal strength in electronic devices.
We installed a Wi-Fi amp to improve internet coverage in the house.


Rooted in ancient mythology and literature.
Medieval texts often depict imps alongside witches and wizards.


Solid-state amps are popular for their reliability.
She preferred her solid-state amp for its consistent sound quality.


Often portrayed as a playful yet malevolent creature.
In the game, players must capture the imp before it escapes.


Amplifiers are crucial in high-fidelity audio systems.
His new stereo amp dramatically improved the sound quality of his vinyl records.


A symbol of cunning and mischief in stories.
The imp's cleverness was unmatched, even by the hero.


Vacuum tube amps are prized for their warm sound.
Audiophiles often seek out vintage vacuum tube amps for their unique warmth.


Associated with trickery and misadventure.
The imp in the tale tricked the traveler out of his belongings.


An ampere.


An imp is a European mythological being similar to a fairy or demon, frequently described in folklore and superstition. The word may perhaps derive from the term ympe, used to denote a young grafted tree.


An amplifier, especially one used to amplify music.


A mischievous child.


A mononucleotide, C10H14N5O7P, that is composed of adenosine and one phosphate group and is formed by the hydrolysis of ADP or ATP. Also called adenylic acid.


A small demon.


To amplify.


(Obsolete) A graft.


To stimulate or excite. Often used with up
Was amped up on coffee.


To graft (new feathers) onto the wing of a trained falcon or hawk to repair damage or increase flying capacity.


To modify (something) so as to increase its capacity to perform or satisfy
"A batch of roasted or sautéed wild mushrooms can be served as a side dish or amped up with other ingredients" (Regina Schrambling).


To furnish with wings.


To amplify.
He asked the disk jockey to amp it up.


(obsolete) To engraft or plant (a plant or part of one, a sapling, etc.).


To excite.


To graft or implant (something other than a plant); to fix or set (something) in.


To intensify or increase.


To engraft (a feather) on to a broken feather in a bird's wing or tail to repair it; to engraft (feathers) on to a bird, or a bird's wing or tail.


To connect to amplifiers.


(by extension)


The basic unit of electric current adopted under the Systeme International d'Unites;
A typical household circuit carries 15 to 50 amps


To provide (someone or something) with wings, hence enabling them or it to soar.


A nucleotide found in muscle cells and important in metabolism; reversibly convertible to ADP and ATP


To add to or unite a object with (something) to lengthen the latter out or repair it; to eke out, enlarge, strengthen.


A small, mischievous sprite or a malevolent supernatural creature, somewhat comparable to a demon but smaller and less powerful, formerly regarded as the child of the devil or a demon (see sense 3.2).


(by extension)


A mischievous child.


A baby Tasmanian devil.




A young shoot of a plant, a tree, etc.; a sapling; also, a part of a plant used for grafting; a graft.


An offspring or scion, especially of a noble family; (generally) a (usually male) child; a (young) man.


Something added to or united with another to lengthen it out or repair it (such as an eke or small stand on which a beehive is placed, or a length of twisted hair in a fishing line).


A shoot; a scion; a bud; a slip; a graft.


An offspring; progeny; child; scion.
The tender imp was weaned.


A young or inferior devil; a little, malignant spirit; a puny demon; a contemptible evil worker.
To mingle in the clamorous frayOf squabbling imps.


Something added to, or united with, another, to lengthen it out or repair it, - as, an addition to a beehive; a feather inserted in a broken wing of a bird; a length of twisted hair in a fishing line.


To graft; to insert as a scion.


To graft with new feathers, as a wing; to splice a broken feather.
Imp out our drooping country's broken wing.
Who lazily imp their wings with other men's plumes.
Here no frail Muse shall imp her crippled wing.
Help, ye tart satirists, to imp my rageWith all the scorpions that should whip this age.


(folklore) fairies that are somewhat mischievous


One who is playfully mischievous

Common Curiosities

Are imps considered evil?

Imps are typically portrayed as mischievous rather than evil, embodying trickery and playful malevolence in folklore.

Can an amp improve sound quality?

Yes, an amplifier can significantly improve sound quality by increasing signal strength without distortion.

How do amps work?

Amps work by taking a weak audio or electronic signal and boosting its power, voltage, or current to drive speakers or other devices.

Do imps have magical powers?

In folklore, imps are often attributed with supernatural abilities or magical powers to aid in their mischief.

What is an Amp?

An amplifier, or amp, is a device that increases the power of a signal, commonly used in audio and electronic systems.

What does Imp mean?

Imp refers to a small demon or a mischievous child, often featured in folklore and tales of mischief.

Are all amps digital?

Not all amps are digital; there are analog amps, such as vacuum tube amps, alongside modern digital models.

Can imps be benevolent?

While imps are generally known for mischief, some stories depict them as having a more benevolent or protective side.

What kind of mischief do imps do?

Imps are known for a range of mischievous acts, from playful pranks to causing more serious trouble or confusion.

What is the main purpose of an amplifier in audio systems?

The main purpose is to amplify sound signals to a level that can drive speakers effectively, enhancing the overall sound experience.

Are there any famous stories about imps?

Yes, many cultures have tales of imps, such as Puck from Shakespeare's "A Midsummer Night's Dream," known for his impish behavior.

What's the difference between tube and solid-state amps?

Tube amps use vacuum tubes and are known for their warm sound, while solid-state amps are more reliable and consistent.

Where do imps originate from?

Imps have origins in European folklore and mythology, symbolizing minor demons or mischievous spirits.

How are imps portrayed in modern media?

In modern media, imps are often portrayed humorously or as cheeky characters in fantasy films, games, and literature.

Do amps need maintenance?

Yes, especially tube amps, which may require regular maintenance to replace tubes and ensure optimal performance.

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Written by
Urooj Arif
Urooj is a skilled content writer at Ask Difference, known for her exceptional ability to simplify complex topics into engaging and informative content. With a passion for research and a flair for clear, concise writing, she consistently delivers articles that resonate with our diverse audience.
Co-written by
Maham Liaqat

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