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Amend vs. Modify — What's the Difference?

By Fiza Rafique & Maham Liaqat — Updated on April 29, 2024
To amend typically refers to making formal changes, often to improve or correct, particularly in legal or official documents, while to modify generally means to make alterations or adjustments to something, without the connotation of correction.
Amend vs. Modify — What's the Difference?

Difference Between Amend and Modify


Key Differences

To amend is often used in contexts involving documents, laws, or formal agreements where corrections or improvements are required for clarity, accuracy, or adaptation to new information or circumstances. In contrast, to modify can apply to a broader range of alterations, including physical objects, plans, or even behaviors, without necessarily implying correction.
Amendments are usually formal and may require specific processes or approvals to be implemented, particularly in legal or governmental contexts. Modification, on the other hand, is a more general term that suggests altering characteristics, configurations, or settings of various things, often without the formal procedural requirements associated with amendments.
In legislative contexts, an amendment refers specifically to a change made to a bill or a law, possibly adding, deleting, or rephrasing parts of the text to better serve its purpose or to reflect changed circumstances. Meanwhile, modifying something like a piece of software or a project plan involves adjustments that might not fundamentally alter its original intent or structure.
An amendment typically implies an improvement or a necessary correction, suggesting that something was incomplete or incorrect in its original form. Modification might not carry this connotation, as it could simply be an update or adaptation to meet new conditions or preferences.
The outcome of amending something is often a more refined, accurate, or relevant version of the original. With modification, the outcome is broader and could either enhance the original or merely change it to suit different needs or tastes.

Comparison Chart


Make formal changes to improve or correct, often in legal or official texts.
Alter or adjust characteristics or configurations more generally.


Legal documents, laws, policies.
Objects, plans, behaviors, software.

Implication of Change

Corrective or improvement-focused.
General update or alteration.


Often requires formal approval or specific processes.
May not require formal processes, depending on context.


Amending the Constitution to include a new right.
Modifying a car's engine to improve performance.

Compare with Definitions


The term is commonly used in legal, political, or formal business contexts.
Amendments to the contract were negotiated over several weeks.


Can apply to a wide variety of contexts, including technical settings, personal plans, or physical objects.
We modified our travel plans because of the storm.


Implies improvement or correction of an existing document or law.
The law was amended to include newer technology standards.


Modification can be about adaptation or updating something to new conditions.
The car was modified for better performance.


To make minor changes to (a text, piece of legislation, etc.) in order to make it fairer, more accurate, or more up-to-date.
The committee has the authority to amend the bill before it is passed.


Does not necessarily imply a formal process.
He modified the recipe a bit by adding more spices.


Can also refer to formally correcting or revising personal behavior.
He sought to amend his ways after the feedback from his peers.


To change something, especially in order to improve it or to make it less extreme.
They modified the software to include new features.


Often involves a formal or legal process.
The organization amended its bylaws to reflect the new priorities.


Often used in technical contexts like engineering or computing.
The equipment was modified to handle heavier loads.


Make minor changes to (a text, piece of legislation, etc.) in order to make it fairer or more accurate, or to reflect changing circumstances
The rule was amended to apply only to non-members


Make partial or minor changes to (something)
She may be prepared to modify her views


Improve the texture or fertility of (soil)
Amend your soil with peat moss or compost


To change in form or character; alter.


To change for the better; improve
"The confinement appeared to have had very little effect in amending his conduct" (Horatio Alger).


To make less extreme, severe, or strong
Refused to modify her stand on the issue.


To alter the wording of (a legal document, for example) so as to make more suitable or acceptable.


(Grammar) To qualify or limit the meaning of. For example, summer modifies day in the phrase a summer day.


To enrich (soil), especially by mixing in organic matter or sand.


(Linguistics) To change (a vowel) by umlaut.


To better one's conduct; reform.


To be or become modified; change.


(transitive) To make better; improve.


(transitive) To change part of.
Her publisher advised her to modify a few parts of the book to make it easier to read.


(intransitive) To become better.


(intransitive) To be or become modified.


To heal (someone sick); to cure (a disease etc.).


(transitive) To set bounds to; to moderate.


To be healed, to be cured, to recover (from an illness).


To qualify the meaning of.


(transitive) To make a formal alteration (in legislation, a report, etc.) by adding, deleting, or rephrasing.


To change somewhat the form or qualities of; to change a part of something while leaving most parts unchanged; to alter somewhat; as, to modify a contrivance adapted to some mechanical purpose; to modify the terms of a contract.


An act of righting a wrong; compensation.


To limit or reduce in extent or degree; to moderate; to qualify; to lower.
Of his graceHe modifies his first severe decree.


Clip of amendment
I've sent over a new version of the doc with some amends.


Make less severe or harsh or extreme;
Please modify this letter to make it more polite
He modified his views on same-gender marriage


To grow better by rectifying something wrong in manners or morals; to improve.


Add a modifier to a constituent


Make amendments to;
Amend the document


Cause to change; make different; cause a transformation;
The advent of the automobile may have altered the growth pattern of the city
The discussion has changed my thinking about the issue


To make better;
The editor improved the manuscript with his changes


Set straight or right;
Remedy these deficiencies
Rectify the inequities in salaries
Repair an oversight

Common Curiosities

What does it mean to amend a document?

To amend a document means to make official changes to improve or correct it, often involving a formal process.

What is the difference between amending and modifying a contract?

Amending a contract involves making formal changes to its terms, likely with legal implications, while modifying could refer to less formal or minor adjustments.

Is amending always related to improvement?

Yes, amending generally implies making something better or more accurate, particularly in legal and formal contexts.

Can you modify a law?

Typically, the term used is "amend" when referring to laws, as it suggests formal changes. "Modify" might be used for regulations or guidelines under the law.

Can modify mean the same as improve?

Modify can mean to improve by making changes, but it can also simply mean to make something different without the connotation of improvement.

What are examples of modifications in technology?

Modifications in technology can include software updates, hardware upgrades, or changes in system settings to improve performance or user experience.

What does it mean to modify a plan?

Modifying a plan means making changes to it, which could involve adjusting goals, methods, or timelines to better suit changing circumstances.

How does one amend a constitution?

Amending a constitution involves a formal legislative process, often requiring approval by multiple parties or a vote.

What is required to amend something in an organizational context?

Typically, amendments in organizations need to follow established procedures, often requiring approvals from governing bodies.

Can personal behavior be modified or amended?

Personal behavior is typically said to be modified through changes or improvements, though "amend" can be used when referring to significant, deliberate changes, especially when correcting serious faults.

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Written by
Fiza Rafique
Fiza Rafique is a skilled content writer at, where she meticulously refines and enhances written pieces. Drawing from her vast editorial expertise, Fiza ensures clarity, accuracy, and precision in every article. Passionate about language, she continually seeks to elevate the quality of content for readers worldwide.
Co-written by
Maham Liaqat

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