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Technical vs. Technological — What's the Difference?

By Tayyaba Rehman — Updated on October 25, 2023
"Technical" pertains to specific skills or details, often in a particular field, while "Technological" relates to the application and study of technology in general.
Technical vs. Technological — What's the Difference?

Difference Between Technical and Technological


Key Differences

Technical often refers to the specific, intricate details or skills associated with a particular field or discipline. It encompasses the "how-to" elements or the expertise required for a certain task. On the other hand, Technological is a broader term that delves into the realm of technology, focusing on its study, application, and advancements.
When we talk about Technical aspects, we're highlighting the specialized knowledge or procedures that might be required. For instance, a technical manual might instruct how a device operates. Conversely, Technological advancements or innovations refer to the progress or new developments in the field of technology itself, marking the evolution of tools, systems, or methodologies.
Technical challenges or issues usually relate to particular problems in a system or process that require specific expertise to address. It's about the nitty-gritty. In contrast, Technological challenges might pertain to broader concerns in the technology sector, such as the ethical implications of artificial intelligence or the societal impact of automation.
A Technical expert or a technician might possess deep knowledge about a specific process, tool, or system. Their expertise is honed and specific. A Technological expert, meanwhile, might have a comprehensive understanding of technology trends, innovations, and their broader implications in society or an industry.
In essence, while Technical zeroes in on the specialized, Technological expands to encompass the general domain of technology, its applications, and its progression.

Comparison Chart


Pertaining to specific skills or details.
Relating to the study/application of technology.


Narrow, specific.
Broader, general.


Specific fields or tasks.
Overall technology domain.


Expertise, specialization.
Progress, innovation.


Technical manual, technical difficulty.
Technological advancement, technological era.

Compare with Definitions


Relating to a specific skill or technique.
She received technical training in computer repairs.


Concerned with applied sciences and engineering.
The country made significant technological advancements.


Concerned with machinery or industrial processes.
He works in a technical role at the factory.


Involving, or of the nature of, technology.
The project faced technological challenges.


Of or requiring specialized knowledge or skills.
The research paper was too technical for a general audience.


Of or relating to technology.
We live in a rapidly advancing technological era.


Of or relating to technique
A technical procedure.
Great technical skill in playing the violin.


Relating to the knowledge, application, or equipment of technology.
She's interested in the technological aspects of filmmaking.


Having or demonstrating special skill or practical knowledge especially in a mechanical or scientific field
A technical adviser.
Technical expertise in digital photography.


Resulting from improvements in technical processes.
The company benefitted from technological innovations.


Used in or peculiar to a specific field or profession; specialized
Technical jargon.


Relating to or involving technology, especially scientific technology.


Requiring advanced skills or specialized equipment
Technical mountain climbing.


Affected by or resulting from scientific and industrial progress.


Of or relating to the practical, mechanical, or industrial arts or to the applied sciences
A technical institute.


Of, relating to, or involving technology, especially modern scientific technology.


Of or relating to technology or technological studies
A technical breakthrough in the manufacture of solar panels.
A technical journal.


Of or pertaining to technology.


Of or involving electronic or mechanical equipment
A broadcast interrupted by technical difficulties.


Based in scientific and industrial progress;
A technological civilization


Of or relating to information technology
Called technical support when the computers broke down.


Of or relating to a practical subject that is organized according to scientific principles;
Technical college
Technological development


Of, relating to, or employing the methodology of science; scientific
Technical data.
A technical analysis.


In strict conformance to a law, regulation, or procedure
Was held on a technical charge of vagrancy.


Strictly or narrowly defined
“It was a Federal victory only in the technical sense that the Army of the Potomac was left in possession of the field” (Edwin C. Fishel).


Based on analysis or principle; theoretical rather than practical
A technical advantage.


Relating to or based on market indicators, such as trading volume and fluctuations in securities prices, rather than underlying economic factors such as corporate earnings, inflation, and unemployment
A technical analysis of market conditions.


(Sports) A technical foul.


A light vehicle such as a pickup truck that has been outfitted with a mounted machine gun or other weapon, especially for use by paramilitary units or irregulars.


Specifically related to a particular discipline.


Of or related to technology.


(of a person) Technically-minded; adept with science and technology.


Relating to, or requiring, technique.
The performance showed technical virtuosity, but lacked inspiration.


Requiring advanced techniques for successful completion.


(securities and other markets) Relating to the internal mechanics of a market rather than more basic factors.
The market had a technical rally, due to an oversold condition.


In the strictest sense, but not practically or meaningfully.
Crossing the front lawn of that house to get to the mailbox was a technical trespass.


A pickup truck with a gun mounted on it.


(basketball) technical foul


(video games) A special move in certain fighting games that cancels out the effect of an opponent's attack.


Of or pertaining to the useful or mechanic arts, or to any science, business, or the like; specially appropriate to any art, science, or business; as, the words of an indictment must be technical.


A pickup truck with a gun mounted on it


(basketball) a foul that that can be assessed on a player or a coach or a team for unsportsmanlike conduct; does not usually involve physical contact during play


Of or relating to technique;
Technical innovation in recent novels
Technical details


Characterizing or showing skill in or specialized knowledge of applied arts and sciences;
A technical problem
Highly technical matters hardly suitable for the general public
A technical report
Producing the A-bomb was a challenge to the technical people of this country
Technical training
Technical language


Of or relating to proficiency in a practical skill;
No amount of technical skill and craftsmanship can take the place of vital interest


Of or relating to a practical subject that is organized according to scientific principles;
Technical college
Technological development


Resulting from or dependent on market factors rather than fundamental economic considerations;
Analysts content that the stock market is due for a technical rally
The fall is only a technical correction


Of production of chemicals for commercial purposes especially on a large scale;
Technical (or commercial) sulfuric acid


Pertaining to the practical, mechanical, or industrial arts.
He's studying at a technical college.


Characterized by specific details or terms.
The book provides a technical analysis of the software.

Common Curiosities

Are technological advancements always technical in nature?

Often, yes. Advancements in technology typically involve technical details.

Can something be both technical and technological?

Yes, a detailed manual about a new software is both technical (detailed) and technological (about technology).

Can a person be technical without understanding the broader technological context?

Yes, one can have specific skills (technical) without a broad understanding of technology (technological).

Does "technical" only relate to technology?

No, it can relate to any field that requires specialized knowledge or skills.

Can a book be technical without being technological?

Yes, a book on specialized cooking techniques is technical but not technological.

Is "technological" a newer term than "technical"?

Both terms have been in use for a while, but "technological" has become more prevalent with the rise of modern technology.

Can "technical" refer to art forms?

Yes, terms like "technical dance moves" or "technical drawing" refer to specialized skills in arts.

Can "technical" mean difficult?

In some contexts, yes. A "technical" text might be hard for the general public to understand.

Are all technical things technological?

Not necessarily. Technical can refer to specialized knowledge in any field, not just technology.

Can someone be a technical writer in a non-technological field?

Absolutely, technical writers can specialize in any field that requires detailed documentation.

Is every technological device technical?

Typically, yes, technological devices have technical aspects or components.

Are all technological studies technical?

They often involve technical details, but can also encompass broader concepts and implications.

Do technological advancements always improve quality of life?

Not always. While many aim to, some can also pose challenges or ethical dilemmas.

Are all technical schools focused on technological subjects?

Not exclusively. They teach specialized skills, which might be technological or in other fields.

Is a technical glitch the same as a technological failure?

A technical glitch is a specific, minor malfunction, while a technological failure might be a broader system breakdown.

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Written by
Tayyaba Rehman
Tayyaba Rehman is a distinguished writer, currently serving as a primary contributor to As a researcher in semantics and etymology, Tayyaba's passion for the complexity of languages and their distinctions has found a perfect home on the platform. Tayyaba delves into the intricacies of language, distinguishing between commonly confused words and phrases, thereby providing clarity for readers worldwide.

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