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Faithfully vs. Sincerely — What's the Difference?

Edited by Tayyaba Rehman — By Fiza Rafique — Updated on November 2, 2023
"Faithfully" suggests loyalty and steadfast adherence, while "Sincerely" conveys genuine, honest sentiment.
Faithfully vs. Sincerely — What's the Difference?

Difference Between Faithfully and Sincerely


Key Differences

"Faithfully" is often used in formal correspondence when the writer does not know the recipient personally, implying a sense of duty and commitment. "Sincerely" is used when the writer is familiar with the recipient, expressing a more personal connection.
"Faithfully" embodies a tone of loyalty and adherence to an oath or duty, often used to conclude formal or professional letters. "Sincerely" suggests a level of personal integrity and honesty, often used in both professional and personal communication.
While "faithfully" conveys a pledge of allegiance or reliability to an ideal or individual, "sincerely" implies honesty and a lack of pretense or deceit.
"Yours faithfully," often found in British English, is a conventional sign-off in business correspondence where there's no existing relationship. "Yours sincerely," on the other hand, is used when the sender knows the name of the recipient.
In the context of behavior or actions, "faithfully" can describe someone who is true to their commitments or beliefs. "Sincerely" would describe actions done with genuine feeling or earnestness, devoid of any facade.

Comparison Chart

Usage in Letters

When recipient is not known personally
When recipient is known


Loyalty, steadfastness
Genuine, honesty

Common in

Formal, professional communication
Both professional and personal settings


Adherence to duty
Personal integrity

British Formal Closing

"Yours faithfully"
"Yours sincerely"

Compare with Definitions


She attends church faithfully every Sunday.


Without pretense.
Her apology was sincere and heartfelt.


With loyalty.
He served the company faithfully for 40 years.


They sincerely believe in the project's success.


In good faith.
He followed the instructions faithfully, trusting the source.


Sincerely, she thanked everyone who supported her.


Without fail.
The device operates faithfully, without any errors.


With honesty.
She spoke sincerely about her experiences.


The cover band played the songs faithfully, with no deviations.


He sincerely wanted to help those in need.


Adhering firmly and devotedly, as to a person, cause, or idea; loyal.


In a sincere or genuine way
I sincerely hope that we shall have a change of government
A sincerely held belief


Engaging in sex only with one's spouse or only with one's partner in a sexual relationship.


Not feigned or affected; genuine
Sincere indignation.


Responsible; conscientious
The faithful discharge of his duties.


Being without hypocrisy or pretense; true
A sincere friend.


Dependable; reliable
The faithful engine started right up.


(Archaic) Pure; unadulterated.


Consistent with truth or actuality
A faithful reproduction of the portrait.


In a sincere or earnest manner; honestly.
I sincerely hope they make it home safely.


Having or full of faith.


(US) A conventional formula for ending a letter, used when the salutation addresses the person for whom the letter is intended by his or her name.
Please consider the proposal carefully and let me know what you decide.


In a faithful manner.
The CD reproduces music faithfully.
I have been faithfully married for the past twenty years.


In a sincere manner.


(US) A conventional formula for ending a letter, used when the salutation addresses the person for whom the letter is intended using an honorific.


With sincerity; without pretense;
She praised him sincerely for his victory
Was unfeignedly glad to see his old teacher
We are truly sorry for the inconvenience


In a faithful manner;
It always came on, faithfully, like the radio


Written formula for ending a letter

Common Curiosities

Is 'Yours sincerely' appropriate for formal emails?

Yes, when the recipient's name is known.

Can 'sincerely' be used to end any letter?

Generally, yes, if you know the recipient's name.

What does signing off a letter 'Yours faithfully' signify?

It shows respect and adherence to formal protocol, typically when the recipient's name isn't known.

Can 'faithfully' be used outside of letter closings?

Yes, it can describe any action done with loyalty or consistency.

What if I use 'faithfully' when I know the recipient's name?

It's not the standard convention but isn't necessarily incorrect.

Does 'faithfully' relate to religious contexts only?

No, it can be used in secular contexts to denote loyalty or reliability.

Is 'faithfully' used in American English?

It's less common, with "Sincerely" being preferred.

Does 'sincerely' imply emotional honesty?

Yes, it conveys genuineness and lack of pretense.

Are 'faithfully' and 'sincerely' interchangeable?

No, they are used based on how well you know the recipient.

Is 'faithfully' old-fashioned?

Some consider it formal, but it's still in use, especially in the UK.

Can 'sincerely' be used to start a letter?

No, it's typically used as a closing.

Is 'sincerely' too informal for business communication?

No, it's appropriate when addressing someone by name.

How do 'faithfully' and 'sincerely' differ in tone?

"Faithfully" is formal and distant, "sincerely" is warm and personal.

Are there situations where neither 'faithfully' nor 'sincerely' is suitable?

Yes, other closings may be more appropriate in casual or intimate communication.

Can 'faithfully' be perceived as too formal?

In some contexts, yes, particularly in casual communication.

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Fiza Rafique
Fiza Rafique is a skilled content writer at, where she meticulously refines and enhances written pieces. Drawing from her vast editorial expertise, Fiza ensures clarity, accuracy, and precision in every article. Passionate about language, she continually seeks to elevate the quality of content for readers worldwide.
Tayyaba Rehman is a distinguished writer, currently serving as a primary contributor to As a researcher in semantics and etymology, Tayyaba's passion for the complexity of languages and their distinctions has found a perfect home on the platform. Tayyaba delves into the intricacies of language, distinguishing between commonly confused words and phrases, thereby providing clarity for readers worldwide.

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