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Communal vs. Personal — What's the Difference?

By Tayyaba Rehman & Maham Liaqat — Updated on May 8, 2024
Communal refers to shared or collective ownership and responsibilities, while personal pertains to individual ownership or interests.
Communal vs. Personal — What's the Difference?

Difference Between Communal and Personal


Key Differences

Communal describes something that is owned, used, or shared by a group, emphasizing collaboration or public participation. Personal, on the other hand, signifies something that is individually owned or related to one's private life and decisions.
Communal responsibilities often extend to the well-being of a larger group, encouraging shared obligations and goals. Personal responsibilities, however, are confined to the individual's own needs and preferences.
Communal resources are intended for the common good, such as public parks or shared utilities. Personal resources, meanwhile, are for private use, like one's own money or belongings.
Communal decision-making involves group consensus, where multiple voices contribute to a unified outcome. Personal decision-making is centered on an individual's preferences and autonomy.
Communal spaces are designed for group activities and socializing, like co-working areas or community centers. Personal spaces, in contrast, provide solitude and privacy, such as a private office or bedroom.

Comparison Chart


Shared among a group
Owned individually


Collective responsibility
Individual responsibility

Resource Use

Shared access
Private use


Individually determined


Designed for group activities
Intended for individual privacy

Compare with Definitions


Engaging in social participation.
Communal celebrations are a tradition in the village.


Relating to private matters.
He hesitated to discuss his personal issues.


Shared by a group.
The communal kitchen was open to all residents.


Belonging to a specific individual.
She kept her personal diary locked away.


Pertaining to a community.
The communal event brought neighbors closer together.


Concerning one's character.
Her personal style is unique and colorful.


Involving joint ownership.
The co-op operates on a communal basis.


Directly affecting an individual.
The criticism was not meant to be personal.


Collective use or interest.
The communal garden is maintained by the neighborhood.


Carried out individually.
He prefers personal shopping over online ordering.


Of or relating to a commune.


Belonging to or affecting a particular person rather than anyone else
Her personal fortune was recently estimated at £37 million


Of or relating to a community.


Of or concerning one's private life, relationships, and emotions rather than one's career or public life
The book describes his sporting career and gives little information about his personal life


Of, belonging to, or shared by the people of a community; public.


Relating to a person's body
Personal hygiene


Marked by collective ownership and control of goods and property.


Of or denoting one of the three persons.


Pertaining to a community


Existing as a self-aware entity, not as an abstraction or an impersonal force
He rejected the notion of a personal God


Shared by a community; public


An advertisement or message in the personal column of a newspaper.


(India) defined by religious ideas; based on religion
Communal violence
Communal politics


Of or relating to a particular person; private
“Like their personal lives, women's history is fragmented, interrupted” (Elizabeth Janeway).


Pertaining to a commune.


Done, made, or performed in person
A personal appearance.


Resembling a commune{4} or the practises of a commune{4}; as, communal living.


Done to or for or directed toward a particular person
A personal favor.


For or by a group rather than individuals;
Dipping each his bread into a communal dish of stew
A communal settlement in which all earnings and food were shared
A group effort


Concerning a particular person and that person's private business, interests, or activities; intimate
I have something personal to tell you.


Relating to a small administrative district or community;
Communal elections in several European countries


Aimed pointedly at the most intimate aspects of a person, especially in a critical or hostile manner
An uncalled-for, highly personal remark.


Tending to make remarks, or be unduly questioning, about another's affairs
As the student debate got heated, it got personal.


Of or relating to the body or physical being
Personal cleanliness.


Relating to or having the nature of a person or self-conscious being
Belief in a personal God.


(Law) Of or relating to the person
Personal property as opposed to real property.
Personal jurisdiction as opposed to in rem jurisdiction.


(Grammar) Indicating grammatical person.


A personal item or notice in a newspaper.


Personals A column in a newspaper or magazine featuring personal notices.


Pertaining to persons (human beings as opposed to things or animals).


Of or pertaining to a particular person; relating to, or affecting, an individual, or each of many individuals
Her song was her personal look at the values of friendship.
Personal values
Personal desire


Dealing with subjects about which one wishes (or people usually wish) to maintain privacy or discretion; not for public view; sensitive, intimate.
You can't read my diary—it is personal.
That's a very personal question.
I can't believe you went through my drawers and looked at all my personal things!
Personal reasons


Pertaining to the external or bodily appearance; corporeal; bodily.
Personal charms


Done in person; without an intermediary.
A personal interview
A personal meeting
Personal settings


Relating to an individual, their character, conduct, motives, or private affairs, in an invidious and offensive manner
Personal reflections or remarks


(grammar) Denoting a person or people.
A personal pronoun


Denoting ownership.
One's personal vehicle, as opposed to a company vehicle


An advertisement by which an individual attempts to meet others with similar interests.


One's own property or asset


Pertaining to human beings as distinct from things.
Every man so termed by way of personal difference.


Of or pertaining to a particular person; relating to, or affecting, an individual, or each of many individuals; peculiar or proper to private concerns; not public or general; as, personal comfort; personal desire.
The words are conditional, - If thou doest well, - and so personal to Cain.


Pertaining to the external or bodily appearance; corporeal; as, personal charms.


Done in person; without the intervention of another.
The immediate and personal speaking of God.


Relating to an individual, his character, conduct, motives, or private affairs, in an invidious and offensive manner; as, personal reflections or remarks.


Denoting person; as, a personal pronoun.


A movable; a chattel.


A short newspaper article about a particular person or group


Concerning or affecting a particular person or his or her private life and personality;
A personal favor
For your personal use
Personal papers
I have something personal to tell you
A personal God
He has his personal bank account and she has hers


Particular to a given individual


Of or arising from personality;
Personal magnetism


Intimately concerning a person's body or physical being;
Personal hygiene


Indicating grammatical person;
Personal verb endings

Common Curiosities

What distinguishes communal from personal ownership?

Communal ownership involves group possession and use, while personal ownership is exclusive to an individual.

Why are communal resources important?

They enable equitable access and encourage collaboration, unlike personal resources, which are exclusive.

Is it possible to have a balance between communal and personal spaces?

Yes, it's common to have private areas at home while enjoying communal spaces like parks or libraries.

How does communal responsibility differ from personal responsibility?

Communal responsibility is shared by a group, whereas personal responsibility is specific to an individual.

Are communal and personal responsibilities mutually exclusive?

Not necessarily. Individuals often juggle both types, balancing personal goals while fulfilling communal duties like volunteering or group projects.

What are some examples of communal living?

Communal living can include co-housing communities, dormitories, and intentional living groups, where resources are shared among members.

How do communal values impact personal behavior?

Communal values encourage individuals to consider the welfare of the group, sometimes shaping personal decisions toward cooperation and sharing.

Can personal goals align with communal goals?

Yes, personal goals can align with communal goals, such as when individuals aim for career success while supporting their company's vision.

Can decision-making be both communal and personal?

Yes, communal decisions often require individual input, but personal decisions focus on one's preferences.

What role does communication play in communal settings?

Effective communication is crucial in communal settings to align goals, resolve conflicts, and ensure all voices are heard.

Do communal activities cater to specific age groups?

Some communal activities target certain age groups, like youth clubs or senior centers, while others are designed to include people of all ages.

Is privacy sacrificed in communal spaces?

Privacy may be reduced in communal spaces, but many communal settings include private areas for individual activities.

Do communal environments restrict personal freedom?

Not always. While communal environments require certain compromises, they can also foster strong support networks and shared benefits that enhance personal well-being.

How do communal activities foster social connections?

They bring people together for shared goals or interests, facilitating friendships, mutual understanding, and collective problem-solving.

Are communal and personal spaces always separate?

Not always. For example, a shared office may offer communal workspaces while also providing private meeting rooms.

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Written by
Tayyaba Rehman
Tayyaba Rehman is a distinguished writer, currently serving as a primary contributor to As a researcher in semantics and etymology, Tayyaba's passion for the complexity of languages and their distinctions has found a perfect home on the platform. Tayyaba delves into the intricacies of language, distinguishing between commonly confused words and phrases, thereby providing clarity for readers worldwide.
Co-written by
Maham Liaqat

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